Page 573 - Bahrain Gov Annual Reports (I)_Neat
P. 573

i:3 571

                 The following report has been provided by itr.
                 C. u. deGrenier/L/irector cf customs, Bahrain.

                 ”ln comparison with the Bucket estimates, the
                 collections v.ere:-

                     Budget Read. estimate actuals increase.

                 Customs ana
                    import Yard      5,io,uuu               1*1,13^/-
                    Licenses            2,5\j\j    6,15s     o,65^

                    Licenses           35,uuu     42,887     7,887
                    Kegistrutions       is, 5 uu   8,326     1*436

                                us - 5,t)u,o0u  6,54,i2l i,u4,i2l.
                                   ========== ======= ======

                          Comparison of last two years
                              actual receipts.

                 Budget Head Year 1352 Year i35o increase decrease.

                  Customs and
                   linoort Yard 558,387/-  6ui,io3/-     42,753/-
                  Licenses        4,247/-     6, i53/ -   i,al£/-
                  Licenses ,     54,263/-    42,887/-              li,475/-
                  Ural’t itogtn.  3,168/-     2,336/-       773/-
                                630,153/- 654,121/-      45,43?/- 11,475/-

                        Yesr 1353: Total increase        45,437/.-
                                        M decrease       11.475/-
                                      net increase       33,362/-

                  The estimated collections bungettea lor i353 were
                  the same as ior the year 1853. ana there has been
                 no change in the rates of customs auty levied,
                 which are:-
   568   569   570   571   572   573   574   575   576   577   578