Page 575 - Bahrain Gov Annual Reports (I)_Neat
P. 575

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                        collections which have decreased on account
                        ol' the uecrease m the quantity of parcels,
                        which generally ccntuin “luxury articles11 .
                              Comparative table or principal

        commodity                  fear 1352                    Year ldbo.
                           Quantity. average value. quantity nver. voiud;

        Mice           262,330 cwts.   14,uu,220/-     354,5i6 cwts  15,57,130/-
        dheat            y,uy6 :r         36,46u/-        7,675 “         45,4^0/-

         ,.heet  Hour    64,233  “      2,42,560/-      73,237 »       2,53,650//
        Coffee           3,422 bags     5,7 s,77v/-      4,56i bags    2,33,i4u/-
        Sugar Candy         25 K              64uy-          16 »            560/-
              Loaf      i7,u5i •*’      l, 36, 6 3v/ -   i'/,4uu  "     i,2a,44u/-

           n   ool't     57,47u cwts    3,u6,52u/ -     45,u26 cwts    2,5v/,7au/-
           !;   Beet      i,7uG  K        iu,750/ -      0,775/eSts       o6,^6u/-
              Crystal     6,u24  n        40,27o/-       6,u75/-a         o6,o20/-

        i'ea             4,063 c/s      i,b6,7i0/-       2,^56 C/s      i,B3,76o/-
        ^otton^/goods                  i3,Vi,430/-                    16,UU,5VA>/-
        jilk p/goods                    2,77,840/-                     o,2 /,22u/—

                                                       .                   i-1
        should also be of interest to compare the unit values of some of the
        scipai commodities.

        commodity.             Unit.     1351        1252        1253.

        aiiam rice             bag                   ?/s         iy/8
        rrachi rice              u                   7/8          b/-
        inroon rice                                  ?/«
        rffee Yemeni          maund    2u/ -        ib/-         Sf/r
         a oingapuri             "      18/-        16/-
        igar, Java            2 CWtS   13/-         12/-         Iwi
         ”    Crystal         11 cwts  i2/-         11/-
         *    Loaf              bag     10/-         ?/-        ■si
        aeat jflour, Indian      a      12/7                     ±yr
                     Iraqi               6/6        ~7/6          6/8
        2a, black              case     40/-        75/-         75/-
        ilk, uhifsiba, Indian riece     13/-        Wr           12/-
         11 chinavi                                  o/-          8/-
        Dtton shirtings, jap: bale     i25/-       125/-        135/-
        jtton twist, Indian ”          125/-       125/-        125/-
        -ment,  Indian          bag      2/12        2/8
         a      Japanese        11       2/-         1/12         i/8
         u      European        n                    2/8

             uwing to the India quota system, the price oi tea has increased.
             European cement is unsaleable in Bahrain. iraqi wheat Hour
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