Page 576 - Bahrain Gov Annual Reports (I)_Neat
P. 576


                          Hour is steaany driving lnaiun wheat Hour,
                          oi better quality, out oi the morKet, ana the
                          poorer classes are no* consuming much more
                          wheat nour than lormeny, ana consequently
                          much .'ess inaian rice.
                          oirect transhipment,    •me collections iron
                          airect transhipment cargo have mcreasea
                          because the volume of this trailic has mcreasea
                          ana it is liKeiy to increase m the coming year
                          as it is liKeiy that certain restrictions upon
                          the quantity permittea to be transhippea by
                          oversiaes aeiivery within the port may be
                          removea. This wmbeneiit a larger number oi
                          merchants operating m this ntrKet ana increase
                          competition upon the mainiana, but it win aiso
                          greatly increase the appraisal worK in the
                          customs, as much more oi this wor* win have
                          to be aone aboara the steamers, which win
                          necessitate an increase in the customs stall
                          to cope with it.
                          Japanese Gqqqs.   attention in previous reports
                          ha^ft been arawn to the activity oi Japanese
                          traaing enterprise m Bahrain, aha the ioiiowmg
                          summqiy 01 vaiue oi Japanese imports into Bahrain
                          is or interest

                                     Comparison oi Japanese imports,
                                      vyear enainr cist march;

                     Commodity.          Iear l^oo. lear 1304. lear 1300.

                     Bunaing materials       b,bbo/-     go,46o/-
                     colouring materials        obo  / —   i,u4o/-      i^tX;/ -
                     cotton piecegocas     bbo,4iu/-    4o6,b4v/-    60b , obo/ —
                         Glassware          id,ibp/“     Oi,bOO/-     b6 , b3U/ -
                     trtaeewore cutiery
                       * ana hardware           4io/-     b,b6u/-      4 ,sbu/-
                     Cycles                   i,ooo/-
                     Cycles spares              buo/-     n (l0/~        37o/-
                     Haheraashery ic hosieryi4,bbu/-                  o8,bby/-
                     Eousehoia goods          6,uuu/-    6&,42u/-     b4,0OO/-
                      Leather gooas           0,670/-    11,36U/-     16,030/-
                     itedicines                 sGo/-                    *40/-
                     Xatches                  b,74u/-    bb,o7u/-      4,6bu/-
                     tiotor spares               bo/ -
                     uiis, essences                       o,bbu/-
                      rrovisions                3bo/-     b,46o/-      0. 0»u/-
                      rerfumery                  bu  /-                  iio/-
                      silken ana artifi­
                         cial silken gooas i57,4Gu/-    i64,6o0/-    bb7,ibo/-
                      Twist ana yarn            zbu/-       bbU/-      i.Oio/-
                      nearing apparel                       o4u/-      1, u60/-
                      woolen gooas            i,b8o/-    i4,7bu/-     b2,a4u/-
                      Rice {Old Rangoon;                             c. 54,ii6y/-
                      Vegetable ghee                                   6,a3u/-
                      Fruits, canned
                      Tea                                                 iu/-

                                         ...» 777,5bo/-  objL,A3W/- i0,4ii,6j.u/-
   571   572   573   574   575   576   577   578   579   580   581