Page 577 - Bahrain Gov Annual Reports (I)_Neat
P. 577
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The wide variety in the above comparison shows
that Japanese goods have secured a aelimte
market m Bahrain, ana the market lor British
ana Indian .-ooas has suiicrea accordingly.
This position couia to some extent have been
bajustea ii' my suggestion oi imposing an import
Liuty of £5;a a.v. upon Japanese goods haa been
put into effect, ana Bahrain coney would again
nave ^one into inaia ana c-reat Britain, as
before, instead of being lost to a foreign
rihile certain import's have proved useless m
Bahrain, there is a noticeably marked'increase
in imports of cotton, v.oonen, silken and
leather roods, une :actor in taese increases
has been the declaration of certain monopolies
in rersia, v;hich caused ^ooas in transit to be
landed at Bahrain instead oi x^ersia.
Japanese goods are lmenor to British or Indian
gooas, ana aiso ttet they are deteriorating m
quality as compared with previous imports, but
they U3Q a saie because they are cheap. Japanese
producers are not above marking their products
as -British made* nor ao taeir principles prevent
then from selling to one purchaser at one price, »
ana to a second purchaser at a lower price lor the
same articles. consequently Bahrain merchants
suffer loss by this competition.
To illustrate the decline m values i give a com
parison of the prices cf cotton, siiri, ana arti
ficial silk goods.
comparison of values, (per piece;
Mature of goods. Year Year
idbz ib58
ohina silk muii ?/- Y/6
dana brand 11/- »/-
deer brand ik/- iu/-
inaian Cotton Muii *>/- 4/.-
laUTQOO 6/- b/8
cotton piecegoods 5/- V-
Japanese art taffeta 4/8 4/-
Japanese printed *>/- 4/-
•* artificial uiain voiie PJr 4/-
n !i printed 11 V/8 §/-
« •• satin V/- 5/8
plain sateen 6/-
cotton longcioth V/- 6/-
n •• cioth b/B 4/8
Jl muiis o/- <1/8
!l prints 4/ti 4/-
It may be remarkeu that the Special item oi rice
imported from japan is explained by the enterprise
of a local nina . trader who purchased through
jap&nese agents in Karachi a large snipment of
oiu hanpoon rice which the Japanese government had