Page 582 - Bahrain Gov Annual Reports (I)_Neat
P. 582

580                     -10-                                  rrz

                                      which ought to be twice its present lengtt
                                      to be independent ci' the tiaes. the col­
                                      lections from this source auring the past
                                      six yeers have abrogated to IU ihb,is4<S/-
                                      or sey an average of R* 22,b4u/- per year, which
                                      shouia nore than cover the cost of maintenance
                                      ana repairs of customs premises,    l there-
                                      fore suggest that the time is now suitable
                                      for the creation of this smKing luna. 11
   577   578   579   580   581   582   583   584   585   586   587