Page 581 - Bahrain Gov Annual Reports (I)_Neat
P. 581
ana it is proposeu to initiate it as far as
the Arabian amruana port:; oi uaouaiu-Arabia
are concernea with & vie*, to assisting such
ports in tneir prevention oi smuggling. but
i suggest that tms procedure must be Ccu-
tiousiy institutea as the n*ab naKhuaa ^who
is illiterate but intelligent/ is apt to
resent, ar.a therefore to evade, restrictions
or regulations ..hicn v.ouic hamper his activities.
Bahrain native crait export man nests win have
to b& preporea by the customs on behaii oi
such naihudas, v.r.o vin reiuse to pay a reason
able Tee i'or sane; ana ll the samiana ports
ho*a the naxhuaus to strict responsibility
I'or such manifests, the native craft wilj
visit Bahrain less ana less ana operate from
jj’bai ana oharjs more ana more.
it v.tvijo therefore seem reasonable jhat ii
the native craft exporting from Bahrain are
forceu to bear cargo nmnests, those export
ing from u*bai, oiiarja and unwait should be
unaer the same obligation.
establishment. muring the past year the number
of clerics employed in the customs department
was increased frer fifteen to eighteen by the
selection, after competition, oi three youths
from the r.overnaent schools xcr training as
apprentices, their efforts being mainxy devoted
to*bin writing. consequently the licensed
•mqiiuaamage system previously in force has
been abolished. The amount c: salaries drawn
was , x6,4i6/- v.nicr is greater than last year
on account of automatic increases in pay. The
number of naturs employee was c4 and the total
wages paid to them was B,e3i/-. There were
c,tfu3 Bins of .entry aeait with, in addition
to the usual records ana the statistical worx,
which is up to aate.
lienerai. The past year has teen one of steady
worxinr, with no unusual developments. The
department is by no means over-staffed; and the
changes m procedure roreshedov/ed in itf54, viz.,
the expected increase m oversides delivery cargo,
and the, institution of expert manifests for
native crait win probably entail an addition
of at least three more cierKs.
Thu. customs premises are m a bad state of dis
repair, as money for necessary worx couid not
be* sperea during the past three years; ana a
large sum set win have to be expended in the
near future. The most urgent natters are thve
renewal of the Trolley-line system, which had
worxied wen lor ten years, and the repainting
of the y/areheuses which are sunering badly
from climatic erosion.
In this connection it may be remembered that
tLe creation of a sinking iuno was recommended
in 1324; and earlier than that a small charge,
Xnown as rier fees, v«as instituted upon import
cargo, the proceeds to be devoted to the d&ibt
tenance anc extension of the customs pier which