Page 578 - Bahrain Gov Annual Reports (I)_Neat
P. 578

•i 3
                               had for disposal, oince then certain res­
                               trictions have, i understand, been uuae in
                               inaiti, with the result that ttangoon rice is
                                liKeiy to bedome somewhat uearer m the
                               coming year: but a'.ains- this, it is pos­
                               sible that a large quantity or rice is likeiy
                               to became iuuorted iroa oiam. Unfortunately
                               oiam rice is" inferior to mm^oon or Indian

                               vehicle Licenses. The collections iron this
                               source have considerably increased to
                               the activities of the Bahrain ^etroieun uo;
                               anQ aiso many morq drivers are now licensed
                               The practical side of the work is aone by
                               the uoiice who are icrceu< to be extremely
                               vigilant to ensure that licenses are duly
                               renewed, since ti large number of drivers are.
                               'reaning Licenses. The collections iron
                                pearling licenses shew a markeu decrease
                                in i35b beiow those of ib5s. This was to
                                be expected iron the depression in the peari
                                Movements   of   stea mers.
                                ___ ________________  L/uring the year lbbo,
                                one hundred ana seventy four steamers entereu
                                ana Cleared the port, as ioixows;-
                                British.  B.l.p.W. uo*s steamers    xud
                                          otricK-merman xine         c'o
                                          British Tanker uo.Lta
                                          ^astern oteam Wav. uo.
                                Gernsin tiansa iine                  xi
                                Japanese charter/                     b
                                Italian nioyu rriestino               4
                                U.o.a. ualifornia standard
                                            uil uo. inc.              c
                                There were in aduition visits by warships of
                                li.BoS’s hoyai wavy, the jjtench republican
                                wavy, ana the l.T.
                                    , ana the l.T. J,Nearchus:* for attention
                                to buoys ana lights.   The oil tankers oi
                                the uaiiiornia otanaara oil oompany   no not
                                generally bring cargo to Bahrain, but carry
                                the export of oil won by th~ Bahrain xetroT
                                leum uompany, which' is auty free. in other
                                respects these ships are subject to the usuai
                                customs regulations etc.
                                The above steamers brought the following quan­
                                tities of cargo
                                                       quantity       quantity
                                                        landed       delivered

                                iuB B.i.o. uov1 s steamers.ki76i0
                                 k5 otrick alle erman       4£,?3d         b!7
                                 10  British ranker uo.     0u,<$<s6    4o,bob
                                  6 ii.o.w.'Jo. Ltd,        ik.oiB      ib,?45
                                 11  Hansa Line             cl ,54?        boo
                                  5 Japanese line           oo,4b7       4,704
   573   574   575   576   577   578   579   580   581   582   583