Page 579 - Bahrain Gov Annual Reports (I)_Neat
P. 579
^uantity ^uant lty
lanaeo delivered
4 Liloya Triestino 10,^3
k u.b./i.uii 'ranker ob Vs.
Totei number cf packages landed 4i;;,ibu>.
Total number of packages
aeiiverea oversiaes • • it>b,uli.
m reference to the above, it may be noted
that the duty-free imports by the Bahrain
xetroieum uompany ao not now come exclusively
by the Hansa Line* but a aennite proportion
comes via Bombay oy the b.I.o.N.uo*s ships,
while a certain quantity has come iorwara
in the utrick-Liierman ships.
Luring ib5b there was a ireight war between
the b.i.o.^.'Jo.jL,td ana certain Indian steam
ship companies which accounted lor the visits
of the eastern oteam Navigation uompany*s
ships in the rersian tiuif. This has now
ended, and it is unnkeiy that these ships
win visit Bahrain in the coming year.
The jbioya Triestino steamers visited Bahrain
as occasion offered; but i unaerstann that
in future there van be regular two monthly
calls at this port. These steamers are
eiectricaiiy driven, are mannea by Europeans,
and have reasonably goon passenger accomoda
tion. m general they are superior to the
•Bf type of steamer of the B.l.o.N.Ooy, ltd.
it is also to be noted that both the nioyd-
Triestino' ana the hansa steamers generally
make a ;_ooa anchorage within the port limits;
but the"British otrick steamers usually anchor
at the outer buoy, which-make the working of
their cargoes a amicuitmatter ior their
agents, ana increases the risk of aamage.
Native Craft. The collections oi registra
tion fees upon the native craft show a s&Upt
increase m amount. This aoes not ,impiy *
that there are more i\ative oraft in Bahrain
in lbbb than in ibbk — the contrary is the
fact, but that owners were siow in their
renewals and consequently incurred payment
of late iees.
At the end of ib5k tnere were registered in
Be brain craft of aii icinas, including
6i motor munches. the end of ibbb,there
were registered in Bahrain i,16i craft of an
kings, including 66 motor craft.
uraft whose registrations were not renewed m
iB5B are accounted for as lonows:-