Page 580 - Bahrain Gov Annual Reports (I)_Neat
P. 580

-8-                                  I • i u
                                         Bahruin sailing crait soia to
                                           other ports                        Vi
                                         oia sailing crait broKen up          o4
                                         ula stebji launch broKen up           1
                                         oaiuntj cral*t lost at sea            o
                                                       burnt at sea            i
                                                       comiscatea in
                                                          xersia               c
                                         motor crait connscatea in
                                                          iersia               1
                                                             TOtai           lib

                                       As an onset against the Bahrain crait so id
                                       to foreign ports, tl sailing crait ana foi_
                                       motor l&uncnes were brought to ana regis­
                                       tered in Bahrain; ana, against the o5 craft
                                       broxen up, new sailing craft ana one
                                       motor launch were built locally, ana auiy

                                       The bostbunaing industry is m a state of
                                       aepression, consequent Upon the aepression
                                       in‘the pearling industry.
                                       The visits or foreign native crait to this
                                       port may be comparea as foixows:-

                                          origin               lear io5<s Year i^5b.

                                       Arabian mainland           6iu          06o
                                       nuv/ait                     vO           It
                                       oman uoast                 lUt          xob
                                       rersian coast              obi          l Vo
                                        •Iraq                     16t          loi
                                        india                      6b           4b
                                       xxfrica                      7            7
                                                                l,44b        l,uOO

                                       This reauction is somewhat disappointing, as
                                        it is important for the wen being of many
                                        poor people in uahrain that the native craft
                                        traffic shouia be active, ana so maintain
                                        local employment. it is expiainea to some
                                        extent by yi; an increase m steamers- cargoes
                                        aue to the reauction in the cost oi freight
                                        by the jj.l-a-Si.'JO., i,td.. ana {tj certain
                                        monopolies aeciarea by the Iranian govern­
                                        ment having hampered the cross-guif traffic,
                                        ana reaucea to practically one hail.
                                        Mother factor in connection with the mdin-
                                        iana traffic is that coasting crait are Carry­
                                        ing commodities lanaea at ir Dai where xnere
                                        is no import auty, ana consequently such gooas
                                        wm be siightiy cheaper in cost than n they
                                        were lanaea at Bahrain.
                                        i?or some years there has been an opinion that
                                        native crafts carrying exports from Bahrain
                                        shouia carry mannests oi their cargo,      it
                                        is now thought that thi time is ripe for the
                                        introduction of this system in Bahrain ana
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