Page 574 - Bahrain Gov Annual Reports (I)_Neat
P. 574
572 -2-
V»j un alcoholic liquors and
tobacco i5/b ad valorem
^b) un specified commodities
known as "luxury
articles" it#
un any ether commodity
class (c; induces the necessities ol me •»
that is focustuffs ana non silken piecegooas
for clothing purposes.
oince a large proportion of the population are
very poor, it is desirable that cereals shouia
suffer as iow a auty as is possible.
There is a small tariff in iorce upon produce
brought tc Bahrain by native craft. The reason
for this is to ensure tc the illiterate native
the' exact amount of autv he is called upon to
pay ana therefore this tariff is upon a quan
titative besis. The theory of this tariff is
upon a basis of five per cent aa valorem; it
is open to revision from time tc time. It
was" last revised in 1^25 when the opinion was
expresseu that such revision should not be made
too frequently, ana every tenth year might be
iruring the cast decade the value of produce,
especially foodstuffs, has considerably decreased:
ana therefore l consider it desirable to revise this
tariff durmc the present year, ana such revision
win be submitted in due course upon a valuation
of 5*p ad valorem.
Uompanson oi receipts.
source. fear io52 Year i65o.
steamers* cargoes £,66, Yiu/- 2,76,6s>3/'-
Native craft 62,266/- 04,057/ -
rarceis duty i6,47u/-
jsxport uuty o4i /- i,u8a/-
i cp duty on direct
d transhipment 20,527/- 60,372/-
Liieceiianeous fees 7,2ii/- 6,604/-
Import Yard
cciiections 1,62,755/- 1,62,764/'-
5,b6,66o/- 5,61,66»/-
It may be remarked from the above, that, although
curing the past year commoaity prices have iut-
there aecreased, customs collections have increased
because larger quantities of cargo have been moved,
except in tne case of parcels auty collections