Page 586 - Bahrain Gov Annual Reports (I)_Neat
P. 586
administration end running of the State. Tha
expenditure for 1255 is estimated at P.s 42,000/-
mors than the corresponding expenditure during
1354 owii£ to the restoration of outs and
increased expenditure in oertain services.
Tbs anticipated revenue from all couroes other
than oil royalty is not at present sufficient
to ocver the nornal annual expenditure, Ri 280,000/-
eil royalty, is inoludsd in the Budget, In addi-
tion to the usual Budget a supplementary Budget
has been mde providing for the expenditure of
1,64,000/- from the surplus at the olose of
the year 1354 after transferring Rs 2,OC0O/-
(two la os) to the Reserve Fund.
Revenue. Gustoms receipta, Rs 6,00,000/-.
Although in the past financial year there
has undoubtedly bosn an improvement in trade,
yet the revenue from customs duties, boat and
pearling licenses is estimated during new
yaar at not Mre than h 6,00,000/- vdiioh ia
h 20,000/- more than the amount shown under this
beading in the 1254 Budget, and P.s 91,000/- leas
than the actual amount oolleotcd in 1254. Owing
to the reduction in the li.l. duly and the oontinued
depression in the pearl trude which al’feots the
yield from boat and pearl taxes, I have not con
sidered it vise to assume that more tnan six lace
will be oolleoted.
Royalty 9n n\\. Pi 2,80,000/-. This sum
r.prea*nt. th. royalty due to tho State on oil
ahioh ha. bean .hipped ainoe U» Ust 1***““*
of royalty by the Bahrain Petroleum Company until
It represents revenue
the end of the year 1354.