Page 588 - Bahrain Gov Annual Reports (I)_Neat
P. 588
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of all Government employees, provision for
several additional magistrates and Kadis and
a slight increase in the olerioal staff.
Municipalities. 'h 50,000/-. The two
municipal councils, Manamah and Muh&rraq,
used each to receive a monthly subsidy of
Hi 2,000/- from the Government, In 1350,
owing to the need for urgent eoonomy, these
subsidies were reduoed by ’50£. Now that
State finanoes have improved the subsidies
have been restored to the original amount and
in addition h 2,400/- has been provided for
work in the town of Hedd. This money will
be spent by the Uuharraq Municipal Council
in Hedd.
Medical bervioear Education. Contingencies
and Publio Works. The allocation under these
headings is approximately tho same as in the
liLst Budget. Medioal sorvioe8 includes the
State’s contributions to the pay of the quarantine
Medioal Offioer, the upkeep of the Muharraq dis
pensary and the pay of the Indian dootor.
Publio works oonsists of upkeep and repairs
to existing government buildings but it does not
inolude any major new works.
3* The Supplementary Budget. Malarial
measures. On completion of the finanoial year
the State had a surplus balanoo of h 4,75,000/-
and a Reserve Fund of Ps 2,00,000/-. From the
surplus balance Ri 2,00,000/- was transferred to
tho Reserve Fund bringing it up to four la os.
From the remainder it is proposed to spend —