Page 593 - Bahrain Gov Annual Reports (I)_Neat
P. 593

advantages of this scheme is chat ail Uiu money
                              is spent looully.
                                    4.   The revenue of Bahrain in ld&4 has

                              ouoe again reached tiie level which it was ten
                              years ago and not for a long time hao the otate
                              completed a year with such a satisfactory surplus.
                              I think it oan now be reasonably assumed that
                              the lean years have passed and that a poriod of

                              financial prosperity is beginning.    Neither now
                              nor at any time during- the anxious period of
                              financial depression has this btate incurred
                              financial liabilities such as loans.     In the
                              time of prosperity a Reserve Fund was started

                              and when in spite of ail efforts and drastic economies
                              the revenue was insufficient to oover the expendi­
                              ture the Reserve Fund was drawn upon in order
                              to carry on the normal administration of the

                                   5.   The new prosperity is from tne royalty
                              on oil, without this royalty it would still be
                              impossible xo balance the budget and to pay for
                             the administration of the country.     Oil is an

                             uncertain factor and its production depends not
                              mly on the available supply but on the v,orld
                               rkats.    I consider that it is more essential now
                                Vi it ha8 ever been before to build up a really

                                     resarVe *atoh besides providing a steady
                                  'e will k® av&ilable if for any reason the
                                   'ti0n 0f oil restricted and the revenue
                                    'A dwied^03 *° ^10 minimum royalty which

                                                               is all----
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