Page 590 - Bahrain Gov Annual Reports (I)_Neat
P. 590


                                    the Aaerioan Medical j.issiouaries and tlie
                                    Quarantine Modioal Officer,   There is a very
                                    strong feeling among the Aruba tiiat the Bahrain
                                    Government should have it3 own hospital and
                                    medioal staff.   Tho question is under consi­

                                    deration and when funds are available doubtless
                                    a Government hospital will bo started®    In the
                                    meantias the Government proposes to open dis­

                                    pensaries, whion will be run on the lines of the
                                    Government dispensary in Muharraq, in various
                                    plaoes in Bahrain,
                                         A dispensary for women and children is to
                                    be opened on the western quarter of Uanamah,

                                    on the edge of the town whioh it is hoped will
                                     be used not only by the people of Manamah but
                                    by the people from the near villages such as
                                    Haul, £inj, eto.   An Iraqi woman who has worked

                                    as a nurse in the Basrah hospital will be put in
                                    oharge of this dispensary,
                                         A dispensary will be opened in liedd in a
                                    building whioh was aoquired by the Government
                                    some years ago.   A local Arab with considerable

                                    medical experience who has workeu for the Govern­
                                    ment on previous occasions will be employed as a

                                         A similar dispensary is to be opened at Bilad-
                                    al-Qpdim, which is a fairly central position.
                                    The Government is advertising in India for a suitable
                                    man to oarry out this work. It is proposed that
                                    he shall be provided with a oar to enable him to

                                    visit the neighbouring villages on oertain days
                                    of the week. All the dispensaries and the medioal
                                                                        workers —
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