Page 589 - Bahrain Gov Annual Reports (I)_Neat
P. 589

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                    fa 1,64,000/- on speoiul projects and the remain­
                     ing fa 1,11,000/- will be set aaide for unfor-

                     oeen expenditure or to be expended later in
                     the year by another Supplementary Budget.

                          The anti-malarial measures provided for
                     in the Budget oonsist of draining and filling
                     in areas containing stagnant mosquitoe breeding

                    water.    These measures are in addition to the
                    spraying with oil which is now being carried out
                    by the Police and Uunioipal authorities.
                         The sewer at Hedd is a long filthy drain
                    running through the oentre of the town which is
                    probably the cause of muoh of the fever in that

                    plaoe.    The channel, which is wide, will be
                    filled in and made into a much needed road.
                    The two ponds, one north west of the Fort, the

                    other near the Juma mosque at Jedhafs oontain
                    stagnant water v/hioh increases and diminishes
                    according to the amount of rain.

                         Last year the Kan amah municipality, though
                    very short of funds, spent fa 4,000/- in filling

                    in some of the water pita south of the town.
                    This year the Government can afford to assist
                    the municipality in continuing this useful work.
                    The money spent on these sohemes will all be
                    spent locally on labour and stone.    The muni-

                    oipalitie8 will be asked by the Government to
                    undertake most of this work.
                         Radical. Until now the Government of
                    Bahrain has spent comparatively little on medical

                    work the bulk of whioh has been carried out by
                                                          the ——
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