Page 591 - Bahrain Gov Annual Reports (I)_Neat
P. 591

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                     workers will be under the supervision of the
                     Quarantine iiedioal Officer,
                          Education.   Two small ooontry sohools are
                     to be opened, one at Jitrah and one at Burri.
                     These schools wiil satisfy the demands of the

                    Bhiaa who conplaiu, with some justification,
                     that while £0Veminent sohools have been estab­
                    lished in the towns v&icli are mostly hunni the
                    educational needs of the uhia ooamunity have not
                    been provided for,    Only reading writii£ and ei

                    simple arithmetio will be tau^h^in the country
                         Efforts are being made to introduce technical
                    instruction in the I.'anamah and Muharraq boys'
                    schools. There is today in Bahrain a great

                    demand for carpenters and mechanics and if boys
                    oould learn work of this kind at the sohools it
                    would be of more practical use to them than the
                    type of education which they are getting now.

                         Provision has been made for the possibility
                    of sending six more boys from the Government
                    schools to Bey rout University,
                         Publio '..orks. A new custom house including a
                    flat for the customs Director is to be built on

                    the shore opposite the open space faoing the north
                    end of the Barrett road. The present building is
                    in a dangerous state of disrepair. Originally
                    it was badly built on roolaimsd ground and evi­

                    dently the foundations were not oarried down to
                    the bed rook. It has constantly been repaired
                    with no permanent suooess. The offices are dark
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