Page 587 - Bahrain Gov Annual Reports (I)_Neat
P. 587


                    revenue from oil for three mouths.     Undoubtedly
                    the royalty on oil v/ill be greatly in excess of
                    this figure,    Only one payment will be made by
                    tho oowpany to the State during the year 1355
                    the norfc payment is due in oeptomber and the

                    following payment is due at the ond of iaarch,
                    probably after the end of the arabic year 1355.
                         The remaining items of revenue which amount
                    to Rj 57,000/- do not call for any speoial comment,

                    I have estimated the total revenue from these
                    sources at a slightly higher figure than in the
                    1354 Budget.
                         Expenditure.    Payments to the Ruling Family.
  !                 An increase of h 44,000/- in the Civil List is

                    owing to the restoration of the 12jji cut v/hich
                    was  ado in 1350.
                         One third of the oil royalty is paid into
                    the privy purse of the Ruler,    The sum which
                    will be received by him will be very much

                    larger than the amount shown in the Budget.
                         {State Protection,   h 1,40,000/-.   This
                    item includes the oost of maintaining the State
                    Polioe Foroo, which has boon increased during
                    the last year and which is likely to be further

                    increased during 1355, the nature, prison adminis­
                    tration and the salaries of Amirs,    The amount
                   allocated to state Protection is 15,000/- more
                    than was budgeted last year.

                         fkryernment departments. 3s 1,58,000/-.
                         This item is increased by approximately
                   3s 15,000/- more than was budgeted in 1354 owing
                   to the restoration of the 10^ cut on the salaries
                                                           of —
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