Page 530 - Bahrain Gov Annual Reports (I)_Neat
P. 530
528 -b-
were onlisied and every month they contributed
?: o/- to tijeir nekhuda towards the civ in. dent,
Recently when "■on c//in: large amounts were net
accepted their nokkudas agreed to cancel a
large proportion of the uebt provided that the
divers were enlisted as police ana refunded
the ?.> 5/- monthly. This is s significant
sign of the depression in the diving industry.
11. Naturs. The strength of the naturs at
the end of the year was as fellows:-
iJanaraan 57
LIuharrac 42
Budeya £
Rafaa 14
'The amirs of i'ananuh and Muhurraq and Rafaa are
in charge of the naturs in these various places.
In Eananah and t'ubarrac they are respcnsiole
for guarding the oazaar and patrolling the town
during the night. This work has been carried
out effectively and there have been very few
cases of theft in the bazaars, Tne fact that
the bazaars are lit by electric lieht makes it
very difficult for the thieves to break into
shops at night.
12. Bahrain retroleu: CompanyTs naturs.
According to the agreement between the Bahrain
government and the oil company the government
has enlisted for the company a nur.eer of v/atch-
men who have been provided .by the government
with rifles ana seme ammunition. Taese men
act as guards over wells and in the camps.
They are employed by and paid by the company.
The Bahrain Ccwerr.nent is not represented at