Page 528 - Bahrain Gov Annual Reports (I)_Neat
P. 528


                    526                                                          1 o

                                   "1 will writa you one/'   suid
                                  Ru'ndm-is vsr.
                                  jid so.
                                   Difficulties itro3'i :-
                                    1.   piece was scored for trumpets,
                                   trombones, etc. ir.aikh's bona con­
                                   sists only of four bugles, four
                                   flutes, drums.
                                    Z.   Jhaikh's banc can't read
                                   music anyway.
                                   Gruuouhone expert -.uRHli L&vi Was
                                   consulted. recorded music suitably.
                                   Made record of it. Record despatched
                                   to .Shaikh in ties for Christmas.
                                   1 have heard it. it is fine tuia-ti-
                                   tiddlv, Ruritanian stuff, should go
                                   well in Bahrain. n
                            5. Lathi Drill. f-.e instructor who came j***'*'

                            Aaracki r'olice for six months to teach Lathi
                            -rill completed his tine ind returned to
                            India. about half of the police were trained
                            by him and a number of ii.'J.os were fciven indi­

                            vidual instruction and they are now able to
                            complete the training of the rest of the force,
                            iio necessity for the use of lathis has so far

                            7. Hedd Police Post. A whole section of
                            the police is now stationed in nedd, at the
                            southern end of .uharraq island, as the aero­

                            drome duty is no.v double what it used to be owing
                            to the increased air service.    Joiae years ago
                            the fcOvernnent took over some tumble down shops
                            and buildings in the main street of mead on
                            account of a debt.    i’..ese have now been con­

                            verted into a police t,ost building,    There is
                            accomodation for about tv/enty men, an office,
                            a lock up, kitenen and wash heuse in a large
                            compound surrounded by n high wall.     hedd is

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