Page 529 - Bahrain Gov Annual Reports (I)_Neat
P. 529

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                    is a truculent town there has seen trouble
                    ther^ in the oust.    1":• • « x i a o; n ce of o re u l •: r
                    police . 031 in the .liialo c;f ih<. to« :i ill
                    assist ii-e police in mu in tain in*. law .• .u aruer.

                    3.   i.dnc.rrjh Fort.'  Constant repairs have
                    been necessary in the Fort :it Manuaah.    «.t
                    regular intervals largo sections of the outer
                    walls -no the towers suddenly collapse.     The

                    //hole building needs renovating,    .Several of
                    the barrack roons became dangerous daring the
                    year and,instead of repairing these rooms one
                    long new barrack room has been built inside

                    the Fort whicn will accomodate about, forty men.
                    it is hia*i and 'well ventilated and the men v/.:c
                    occupy it will enjoy .more healthy conditions
                    than before.

                   9.    Health.    A drain has seen dug, by prison
                   labour, from the j?ort to the municipal drain
                   which carries off the spare water from the
                   municipal garden,     i'his has cleared the *ort
                   garden of all stagnant water and since this

                   was done there has oeen a noticeable diminution
                   of malaria among the police. i'heir health
                   on the whole is satisfactory and their physical

                   standard is good. V.'hen recruits are required
                   there ore so many applications that it is pos­
                   sible to pick and choose. .Then a few men are
                   needed as recruits thirty or forty applicants
                   come daily to the Fort asking to be enlisted.

                   10. divine debts. .i large nunoer of the
                   police are uivers v;no owe money to the naKhudas.
                   in tiie past only men with small dents were
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