Page 522 - Bahrain Gov Annual Reports (I)_Neat
P. 522


                             correspondmg decrease in the r 01 the

                             oeicfieh.    \j\xt ol CoZ boats whose accounts v;ere
                             inaae up by the uiving UlerKs 116 were oelafieh
                             ana 1V0 v/ere hha;.LTtanis.   in a lev; years, unless
                              conaiticns improve, the whole diving systeia will

                              change ana the oeiafien systei ana its abuses
                             will disappear,    This v.x>ula be advantageous lor
                              the divers^ although they wouia not appreciate

                              this, but possibly it would have an adverse el’feet
                              cn the pearl merchants.
                                   although aivers have been severely affected
                              by the slump m the cearl trade in one respect

                              it has been beneficial.   The nauhucas owing to
                              laci of money have willingly reduced the amount
                              of the advances each year,    11 times haa been

                              prosperous the advances wouid have remained high
                              ana the divers debts v.ouia nave increased.
                              1U.   The annual advances, *hich were settled as

                              usual after a meeting of the leading men of the
                              aivintg maustry, were the same amount as the
                              previous year.   the meeting at winch the Tesqam

                              ana oelal* for the new season were decided was
                              held during the year under review ana it was
                              decided that the amounts should be reduced even
                              lower.   They were settled at Z<j/~ for a diver
                              end , i5/- for a puller ana the usual prociama-

                              tion was issued.    it was thought liKeiy that the
                              news oi' a iurther reduction vouio cause a further
                              demonstration by the uivers but nothing happened

                              ana at the time of the payments many divers agreed
                              to accept less than the authorised amount rather
                              than be discharged with ''baruas" releasing them

                              to dive with other nakhudas than their own.
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