Page 518 - Bahrain Gov Annual Reports (I)_Neat
P. 518


                                        The i’earl Trade ana the Living

                                      cultured i-carls.   In viewing the luture
                                 with the raost optimistic eye lb is aiilicult
                                 to see any likelihood df the pearl industry

                                 reverting tc its former stste cl prosperity.
                                 As the improvement ana increased production
                                 of culturea pearls continues so the demand
                                 for real pearls decreases,    When the public
                                 find that they can buy cultured pearls, which

                                 to the ordinary eye are indistinguishable from
                                 real pearls, for one thirtieth the price of
                                 genuine pearls of similar weight and appearance

                                 it is natural that they spend their money on
                                 cultured pearls,    In the- days when only real
                                 pearls ana artificial pearls existed a pearl
                                 necklace had a certain significance, now onxy

                                 the owner of the necklace knows whether it is
                                 genuine or cultured.

                                 2.   The success of the cultured pearl is not
                                 oniy deplored among the diving community in
                                 Bahrain, and the Gulf, but also by the impor­
                                 tant jev/el merchants in durope. Last summer

                                 I hed the opportunity of discussing tiie ' pearl
                                 industry with several leading. London jewellers
                                 v/hc all complained that they had been severely

                                 hit by the cultured pearl.    ill though the
                                 important firms do not display cultured pearls
                                 in their shops yet they told me that they were
                                 reluctantly compelled 10 keep cultured pearls

                                 in stock as so many of their clients demanded
                                 them.    London jewellers used to ra*:e good
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