Page 515 - Bahrain Gov Annual Reports (I)_Neat
P. 515

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                 much lover rate.    The ;:ioney avai table for
                 investment in 1352 wu3 U 2,50,000/-, Lho fol­

                 lowing year it was only Hs 2,00,000/-.
                 o.   Lo an s r j o ov o rab le.  The Muharraq muni­
                 cipality owes money to the Government on
                 account of a loan made to the .municipality
                 some years ago for assistance in installing

                 electric power in .Muharraq.    The amount was
                 to be re-pa id by yearly instalments of Rs 7,700/-
                 but this year owing to the municipality’s fin­

                 ancial difficulties it vas agreed that only
                 half the instalment should be refunded.
                 7#   •Sales of _land to the British Government.
                 This is not normal revenue but is the proceeds
                 of tiie sale of three pieces of land, two in

                 ilanamah and one in Muharraq, to the British
                      The amount paid co the Bahrain government
                 was Rs 1,96,031/-.   Out of this sum, Rs 33,352/-

                 was paid into the Privy purse of His Excellency
                 Shaikh Sir Hamad, this payment is not included
                 in the report on expenditure,     The purchase of
                 land from private owners cost the State Rs 45,012/-
                 and in addition to this Rs 7,000/- was paid to

                shaikh Mohomed bin Isa who considered that he
                had a claim to all the open land in the neigh­
                bourhood of Jufair, Rs 300/- was the cost of

                 transferrin0 cash to Bahrain from India. The
                amount which accrued to the government from the
                whole transaction was Rs 1,10,367/-.     In add it ion
                to the financial arrangements a large amount of
                government land was given to the previous occupants.
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