Page 207 - 4 Persian Trade rep KUWAIT 2_Neat
P. 207
Rainfall. Exchange.
The total rainfall during the year under report
was 3*90' and waa distributed aa follows:— Kinm
ICO X*rU Found
Thor** Bo'rrTflljfn. Turkish.
April 1030 •07
October I9» . •05
November 1930 •07 a. 4. C «. 4. C 9.4.
•December 1930 . •21 April 1900 6 8 0 18 6| • 16 10ft
January 1931 •10 May 103*0. 8 4 0 17 9 0 16 10
February 1931 . 3 40 June 1900 8 2 0 17 7J 0 1A 0
July 103)0 • 2 0 17 lift • 16 2ft
Public Health. Auguit 1930 14 1 0 18 0 0 16 Aft
SepttmhicT 1680 0 10 0 18 Oft 0 16 »ft
The health of the town waa good on cbe whole,
bnt tuberculosis was responsible Tot a larger number October 1930 . l a 0 17 lift • 16 1
of deaths. All classes suffered, but particularly Novembvx 1030 X 3 0 18 0 0 16 10ft
the upper and middle classes. Next in importance December 1030 . 11 6 0 18 1 • 16 0
was 6mall pox which was rcepocisible for a large January 1931 . 14 0 0 18 1 0 16 7ft
proportion of the Town’s high infant mortality.
The chief other diseases were those off the eve, February 1931 . • 11 0 18 1 0 16 7
ears and skin and malaria. March 1.931 4 0 0 18 9 C 16 0