Page 211 - 4 Persian Trade rep KUWAIT 2_Neat
P. 211

                                          TABLE D—conti.
           Import* of Principal Article* by Steamer* during, the year* 192S-29, 1929-31 and 1930-31—confi.

          Aiticld ixo rnwia or cocNTnrra rr.OM unai
                                            1928-29  1929-30  1930-31  1928-29  1919-30  1930-31

                                                                    £      £       t
          Puih, dried—                                                             10
           Arab Cout .   .            Valoe
          IVuitr ^‘tTj’b And dried)—                                        27
           Arab Coast .                                              12
           India .                     99                             I
          Crorerr—                                                   18     10
           Arab Coast .               Cwt,     14                  1^88
           India                               903                  IS4    893
           Pcrriwi Coast
          Ground Nuts—
           India .                            1.1G3   S>4    843    278    220     130
           Arab Coast .                99              4             1       1
          Gun*, Sporting—
           Arab Coast .               Nos.                    6                    80
           Otbts Countries             99                     11                   147
          Cunny Bags—
           Iraq                       VaJos                                102
           India .
           Porrian Coast                                             84
           Other Countries#                                                         1
          Hard aad CJasswtxe—
           India .                                                15.220  10.599  12,020
           Arab Coast .                                             120    824     90
           Persian Coast                                           U33    2,323  2,030
           Iraq                                                    1,113  1,410   810
           Other Countries                                         3^40   W507
          Iron atd Ironware—
           Arab Coast .                                                           153
           India .                                                  120    856   2,206
           Iraq                                                             6      80
           Per can Coast                                            47      2     374
           Other Countries             r*                           294    707    247
          Limes, dried—
           Arab Coast                 Cwt.     38            65     61            127
           Other Countries                     46                    16          • 4
                                                                   1.477   283
           India .                    Vales                          17
           Persian Coast               99                                  167
           Ot ha Countries                                                 383    676
                                                                    176     33     83
          Motor Cars aad Cycles—
           India                      Nos.     15     21      1    U67    2,100   120
           Pi   CoaM                                          1     200           120
           Iraq                        99       2
           Other Co on tries           m        1      4            100    400
          Oil, Karosine—
           Penan Coast                Calk.         42,048  32,404        1,749  1434

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