Page 215 - 4 Persian Trade rep KUWAIT 2_Neat
P. 215
TABLE E-conl<L
and 1920-31—ccnt<L
Import* of Principal Articles by Sailing Craft durinj the years 1928-23,1923-30
1923-29 1029-30 1330-31 1328-23 19C3-30 1330 31
t £
(Viral* Cwt. 1,021 7,708 9,29) 1.460 896
Charcoal . 11,291 77
Cigarette Paper . Val ue 366
Cigarette* 4.761 6,(09
Clarified Rutter (>t. 987 2,086 1,3(0 21
Coal and Coal Tar 307 IS 24
(Woanvts Non. 4,102 900 8,522 3CO ISO
Coffee • • Cwt. i 87 7,877 1.622 1.350
Coir and Coir Ropo . 8.093 3*
Condiment* Value j 216 38
Confectionery . c;;t.! 503 130
Cotton 272 2-76 141,920 21.3'5 16,676
Dates 5 100,018 94.280 208
Date Syrup 1,127 451 314
Dye Ponder Value 113 1.012
Drops 67 51
Earthenware 28,454 6985 1.287
Firewood . Cwt. . 350,636 181.218 17
Fish Miwa Value 104 103
Fiah :
Pin* . . # . 3.0«>:2 2.454
Fruits (fresh and dritd) 130 17
Furniture .
Gramophones 4.527 2/i74
Crass, Hay and StTaw 2V3 311
'"•round Nuts Cwt. S41 S33 1.414 275
Grocery . Value 21 421
G onoy Ba z* 409 323
Hard and Glassware . IfiO 448
Henna Cwt. 222 75 64
Hides and SVans Value 59
Iron and Ironware 7S1 M57
Kerosine Oil Calls. 63,240 59,508 42,864 2.721 196
Li toes. Dried CwL 42 04 170 13
Lime . . 13
Machinery Val uc 45. ion 823 718
Mata Nos. 3?.9S0 61,795 451
Matches . Value 77 25
Metal* 300
Motor Car* No*. 3
Motor Cycle 1 24
Motor Aecessoriea Vaior 44
Nails (Irons) . 437
Nuts, Dessert . 99 2« 2,454 24-80
Oil. Fish . Cane* 23.087 1.403 6*4 332
Oil, Sim Si® Gall*. 4,234 3(0 198
Oil, Other Sort* 394 500
Onion* CVt. 2.789 ,943 23
Paint* and colours Value 474
Pepper Cwt. 172 1333 4
Petrol Galla. 22.000 12,000 1.391 J61
Piece Good* Value
Provision* 99 2.SS* 53 1.231
Pulae* Cwt. 87 452 26.125 5,046
Rafters . . Noe. 29J946 14
Roed* Bdla. 14.261 12,274
Rioe . . Cwt. 18.725 13,192 27.527
Rosewater Carboy* 517 172 383
Sail doth Value *4/519 216 127
Salt ... Cwt. 5,186 4J985 2 6
Kafe* Not. CO 99
Sim ffia . Cwt. 144