Page 218 - 4 Persian Trade rep KUWAIT 2_Neat
P. 218

                                              TABLE F-contl
              Imports of Principal Articles by Sailing Craft during the years 1928-29, 1829-30 and 1930-31—cxmtd.

                                                       Qcastitt              Valc*
     and 5:axes or covntiuxs ixom >rnscii
                                                 1928-29  1929*30  1930-31  19.IS-29  1029-30  1990-3!
                                                                         X       £      £
              CbAITOA] —
               Arab Coast .                Cwt.      19     10    141      2      1      1A
               India .                            10,772  6,804  8.575  1.4 17  1,058   8)3
                                                    911    717    327     37     110     42
               Pnlian Coast                         1.79   127    217     10     10      24
               Other Countries              W                                             2
              Cigarette Paper—
               Arab Coast .                Value                                 14
                Iraq                                                      77     217
               Aral# Coast -                                                             18
                Iraq                                                                    348
              Cl a ri fed Rutter—
               Arab Coast .                C*t.     30     36      3»    142     187    165
                Iraq                                «S4   1.972  1,118  3,449  5,348   5.321
               Fenian Coast                         273    78     120   1,170    398    523
              Coal and Coal Tax—
               India ,                              80                    30
               Iraq                                 217                   26     18      21
               Persian Coast                         10                   4       8
               Arab Coast .                Value                           1      2
               India .                                                     1      1      A
               Iraq                                                        7             9
               Other Countries                                             9             10
               Arab Coast                  C»t.     67             31    300            64
               India                                       42                    167
               Iraq                         99                     13                   33
               Other Countries                                     32                   83
              Coir and Coir Rojj
               Ar. b Coast .                       300     952   1.361   117     244    142
               India                        n     3,*005  7,122  6.516  1,317   1,360  1,208
               Iraq                                                        1
               Persian Coast                       400      19           167      7
               Arab Coast .                VsJse                                 96
               Trsq                         99                                   33
               Persian Coast                99                                    3
               Arab Coast .                                               11             10
               India •                      99                           163             12
               Iraq                                                       36             16
               Persian Coast                                              6
              Cot to®—
               Arab Coast                  Cwt.      2      1      10      1
               India .                              66                   152
               Perns n Coast                       184     256     62    350    453     lie
               Other Countries              99                                           3
               Arab Coast .                 99     143     313    180    379    649     227
               Iraq •   •                   99    61,625  43,7(»6  81,236  11.471  9.073  9J5 49
               Persian Coast                99   54,250  50201  60,504  9,515  13,237  6,800
   213   214   215   216   217   218   219   220   221   222   223