Page 214 - 4 Persian Trade rep KUWAIT 2_Neat
P. 214

                                           TABLE U-condd.
            Import of Principal Articles by Steamers during the years 1928-29,1929-30 and 1930-31—concli

                                                    Quantity              Value
           AnTlf-l.ra AND 3AXES OF COUNTRIES FROM vniKTI
                                              1925-29  1929-30  193>-3!  I92S-29  1CU9-30  19.T0-31
                                                                      t      £      £
            Pcr»isn Com!              . Value                         1M      67
            India .                                                   200
            Ot her Countries                                           40
             Arab Coast               . Cw*.     12      3             6      2
             lmlia .                           3 ,359  1.220         1.792   539
             Persian Coast               • •     20      3             10     2
           Wheat Flour—
             Arab Coast .                        20      f>    El      12     3       3
            India .                            7,413  6.0G2   2,1*0  4,012  3.461   754
            Iraq                                  5                    2
            Pcr.-i&a Coast               **       7      0             5      3
           Wood aad Wood Elbows—
            India .                     Value                          75
           Articles not specifie d above—
            India ....                                                 II           110
            Pend in Const                                                     21
            Otbtr Countres               ••                            10     19     12
                                   Total                           213,734  2:6,456  144.115

                                             TABLE E.
              Imports of Principal Articles by Sailing Craft during the years 1 £28-25, 1929-30 aad 1938-31.

                                                    Quantity              Valle
                                             1929-29  1929-30  1930-3!  1925.29  1924-30  1930 31

                                                                      £      £      £
           Anchor* .                    Noe.             3      3             3      7
           Animal* and Birds—
            Co**                                       292     172           621    32 5
            Caraefc .                            2                    20
            Deer .                                              I                     1
            Dockers                      • f     3      23     M       6     40     222
            H»»i» .                              9       5     42     12      6      46
            Horses .                                     6      3            113     67
            Pea F>wis                    • •    400                    18
            Sheep and Goals                    2*573   777    623    1.337   389    356
           Arab Clicks                  Bdl».   414      5     1S*0  4.906  4,034  3.490
           Bamboos .                   Value                          54     47      82
           Bamboos Split -                                            100    112     05
           Barley .                     Cat.  21.686  57j8I«  64,7 §0  5.944  M.670  J0.276
           Building Materials          Valor                          800   U324    178
           Canoes                       No*.     94      7     28     27      e      28
           Card                         Cwt_                    6                    48
           Carpet*                      Value                        2.501  2,017  1,793
           Cement                       Cwt.                 16,330                1,482
   209   210   211   212   213   214   215   216   217   218   219