Page 209 - 4 Persian Trade rep KUWAIT 2_Neat
P. 209

                                           TABLE C
            Import* of Principal Article* by Steamer* during the year* 192&-29, 1929-3* and 1920-31.
                                                  QuAirrmr              Vaz.cs
                      Ann cue*.
                                           1938-29  1929-30  1930-31  193-29  192990  IS30-3J
                                                                    t              l
        Anchor* ...                  No*.      52     129    101     61            34
        Harley                       Cwt.      32                    4
        Building Materials           Value                          483            m
        Cartridge*                   Boxes           174     239    167            300
        Cari«U                       Value                                         155
        Charcoal .                   Cut.     898   2,922   1,504   160           1*270
        Cardamom*                                            254
        Cigarette Paper              Cum       30                    60
        Coal and Coal tor            Cwt.      40                   133
        Colic© .   •   *                     2,087  1,800   2,378  11,940        6.953
        Coir and Coir Hop© .         Vslso                         1,992           807
        Cotton                       Cwt.     148    252     166    247           276
        Drug*                        Val*e                           60          1,005
        Fircwcod .                    tf                                           10’
        Fish (dried)
        Fruits (dried and Ircnh)                                     13
        Grocery                                                    1,490           130
        Ground Nuts                  Cut.    1,103   858     843    277
        Gum—Sporting                 No*.                    17                   227
        Gunny Dag*                   Vulac
        Hanna                                                       64           15,020 I
        Hard and Glassware .          rt                          21,126
        Iron and Ironware                                           401          3,062
        Limes—dried                  Ot.       61            65     GO            675
        Matches .                    Vaae                          1.494           82
        Motor Car* and Cvoleo        N«        18     25      2    1.667          240
        Oil Kerosine                 CoOs.         42.048  32.404                1234
        Oil othr-r Borto .                    4 SO          950     80            270
        Old Gothing                  Value                          120           765
        Onions                       Cwt.           1.996   1,728                 445
        Paints and Colo-nr*          Value                          121
        Petrel and Bcnrino .         Gsils.        33,890  31,860                2.820
        Piece Goods                  Value                        55,333 j  36,880  33.460
        Pistols and Ammunition                                                    347
        Potatoes .                   Cwt.    6,491  1.997   1,728  1.728   513    445
        Poises                                4 SO          087                   244
        Rice ...                            84,421  110,791  66,420  66,368  66.457  32/J54
        Sail Cloth                             1G                   53
        Saltpetre . _ -              Vsl a©                          13
        Sewing Macbinea              No*.      29                   97
        Sim Sim .                    Cwt.     255           229     170    133    101
        S<up ...                     Value                         485     440    335
        Specie ...                                                2,984  19,598  4,034
        Spices ...                                                  90     351
        Starch ...                                                  187    40      83
        Sugar Loaf •                 Cwt.    5.528  11,550  3,833   3,961  8,624  2.642
        S osar Soft                   •t    16.484  42,330  4 1,728  14,872  21.165  18,083
        Tallow                                620    299    840    1,654   725   2,352
        Tamerind ...                         2.038  1.402  1,103   1,087  1,001   412
        Te* ...                              3,722  5,184  2,369  24,536  23,224  8.S43
        Timber                       Value                                 128      3
        Tobacoo .                    Cwt.     875           1,121  1.407   681
        Tobacco (Manufactured)       Value                                        130
        Twist and Yor*                                                     77
        Tyres                        Pkg*.     21     16      1     210    2S       1
        Vegetable Products .         Value                          610    746   0*411
        Vermicelli                   F*g*.    480                   384    67
        Wheal                        Cwt.    3,381  1.232          1.60S   643
        Wheat Flour                          7,443  6,074  2,167  4,631   3,467   757
        Wood and Wood PI bow*        Td ue                          75
        Article* not specified above                                21     41      12*
                             Towai.                              215,754  226,454  148,116
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