Page 216 - 4 Persian Trade rep KUWAIT 2_Neat
P. 216

                                           TABLE E—conclL
             Imports of Principal Articles by Sailing Craft during the years 1928-29,1529-30 and 1930-31.—conctcL

                                                     QUANTITY              Value
                                              192S-29  1929-30  1930 31  1928-29  1929-30  1930-31

                                                                       £      it     H
            S--wjag Machine*             No*.                   23                    m
                                         Value                         387     4      113
            Spic*                                                                     30
            Sugar, Loaf                  CM.           2M*                   1.031
            Shek, Soft                           073    80<l           702    2M I
            Tolly* .                             270    319     403    653    439 (   814
            Taoiu rind .                               0.4 HI  G.113         3.543 t  2.7S5
            T*ra ...                              21    224      7     72     071 !   It
            To-hscoo .                          2.CG0   089    1,402  3,930  2.4<ri .  I  1,282
                and Yarn                 Value                                770
            TVrr«                        Pics.     3                    20
            Wat<r                        Value                       10,107  19,407  19.407
            Wgtcable Product* .          Cwea    no             29     12-7  1,5:9 !  23
            Wmiscclli                    PI 2*.   os      3                    2 !
            Wlifit                       CM.    12.107  39,331  52.019  4,103  10,237 J  20,200
            Whrxt Flour .                        9S2    124    1,240   431     71     <90
            Wool Elbow* .                Value                        6,701
            Wool                         CM.     813     30     25     8.V»    1* I   34
            Artjtlcs not ipctiGcd abort  Value                         509    3C1    014
                               Total                                 130,54'; j 145,309 1  134,127
                                              TABLE F.
               Imports of Principal Articles by Sailing Craft duiing the years 1928-29, 1929-30 and 1930-31.

                                                     QUANTITY               Value
            Articles and names or countries from men
                                               1923-29  lft^-30  1930-31  1928 29 ' 1029 30  1930-31

                                                                       £      C       *
            Arne Von—
             Iraq                        -Vo*.            S      3              8      »
            Animals and Bird*—
               Iraq .   .                                206    162           677    304
               Persian Coast                             26      10            44     19
               Arab Coast                          2                    20          • •
               Iraq                                1             )       I             1
               Arab Coast                          2     11      65     4      28     *21
               Iraq .                                     2    • •              2
               Fenian Coast                        1     10      1      2      10      I
               Arab Coast                                 1                    20
               Iraq                                       6      6             03     €7
   211   212   213   214   215   216   217   218   219   220   221