Page 418 - 4 Persian Trade rep KUWAIT 2_Neat
P. 418
TABLE F-a>ncU.
Imports of Principal Articles by Sailing Craft during the years 1934-35,1935-36 and 1936-37—conc/d.
Qcaktitt. Value.
Aancixs asd samm or corsnum mo* wmcH
193*-35 1935-38 1936 37 1934-35 1935-36 1938-37"
P.B. Rs. R*.
Wheat Flour—
India . . C»t. 7 23 30 120
Irso 24.922 12,139 8,022 99.090 41,500 42,784
Arab Com* 3G7 102 1,470 644
Arab Coast 22 10 550 250
Iraq 2 22 50 550
Persian Coast a* 40 1,000
Articles not specified above—
Arab Coast . Value 3.009 4,024 2,324
India .... 8(0 85 880
Iraq .... 1.737 4,057 3.0CO
Persian Coast M 200-
Total 12,71,481 13.C2.477 12.60,537
Exports of Principal Articles by Steamers during the years 1934-35, 1935-36 and 1936-37.
Qcavtttt. Value.
DzscBn*no5 or Articles.
1934-35 1935-36 1936 37 1934-35 1935-36 1936-37
Ra. Rs. Ra.
Arab Cloaks Value 1,560 1,000
Barley Ot. 11,168 18,361
Bullion, SO ter Value 70,866
Carpets . at 7,740 22,200 13,200
Cereals Ot. 45 124 124 180
Cigarette Paper . Value 1,500 1,571
Clarified Butter . Cwt. 10 16 17 390 382
Coflee . 57 18 1,600
Cotton . • Vrioe 700
Dates ... Cwt. 32 30 149
Date Stones . . 3,500 3,600
Edible Seeds . Valae 100
Fish, Dried . . — 10
Fish Maws 1,500 930
Fruits, Fresh and Dried 34
Gunny Bags, Empty . 200
Haberdashery . . W 700
Hides and Skins. . at 15,556 836
intestines Cf 175 375
Iron and Ironware , at 90 300
Lamb Skins 11,986 iA2,oa
kUu 400
Metals 180 450
at 200