Page 419 - 4 Persian Trade rep KUWAIT 2_Neat
P. 419
TABLE G—contd.
Export* of Principal Article* by Steamers during the year* 1934-35, 1935-36 and 1936-37—con/i.
QrANTITT. Value.
Description or Articles.
1934-15 1933-36 1936-37 1931-35 1935-36 1936-37
R*. R*. Ra.
Motor Car* . Nos. 1 1,310
Oil, Cocoa not . Cat. S3 850
Oil, Kwh . 7 38
Pearls . . . Value 3,64.000 2,35,200 1.10,000
Pica-goods . . 4,530 3,094 11,200
Pots, Old Copper 3 SO
Shark Fins H 750
S(Mmr Juice . 9t 100 100 380
Specie ... 2.SS.9CO 5,73,036 3.43,850
Sugar, Loaf . . <&. 577 5.770
Sugar, Soft 11 70
Tea 20 7 1,100 350 15,330
Timber Value 514 200
Tobacco - Cat. 1 20 1 15 200 20
Tyre* and Tubes Value 150 500 1,060
Vegetables , . 21 5
Wheat Floor Cwt. 215 900
Wool 361 528 534 5,0 S4 7,502 12,332
Articles not specified above Value 175 110 930
Total 7,06,120 9,35,461 6,99,048
Exports of Principal Articles by Steamers daring tbe years 1934-35, 1935-36 and 1938-37.
Qcaynrr. Valttx.
Articles and names or coo-tries to vrincn
1934-35 1915-36 1936-37 1934-35 1935-36 1936-37
Ra. Ba. Ra.
Arab Cloak*—
Arab Coast Value 500
Iraq 1,050 1,000
India . 9f 11,168
India Cwt. 11468 18461
P.ullioo, Fairer—
United Kingdom . . Value 70,866
Arab Coast . . ft 700 12,900
Iodia . . . J.000 1400 13400
Iraq ... M 940 1400
Other Countries . ft 5,100 6400
Arab Coast Cwt. 45 124 124 180 450 400