Page 419 - 4 Persian Trade rep KUWAIT 2_Neat
P. 419


                                       TABLE G—contd.
         Export* of Principal Article* by Steamers during the year* 1934-35, 1935-36 and 1936-37—con/i.
                                                QrANTITT.              Value.
                Description or Articles.
                                          1934-15  1933-36  1936-37  1931-35  1935-36  1936-37

                                                                 R*.    R*.    Ra.
        Motor Car*   .               Nos.     1                   1,310
        Oil, Cocoa not  .            Cat.     S3                   850
        Oil, Kwh .                            7                    38
        Pearls .   .   .            Value                       3,64.000  2,35,200  1.10,000
        Pica-goods   .   .                                        4,530  3,094  11,200
        Pots, Old Copper                                           3 SO
        Shark Fins                   H                             750
        S(Mmr Juice  .               9t                            100    100    380
        Specie ...                                              2.SS.9CO  5,73,036  3.43,850
        Sugar, Loaf   .   .          <&.     577                  5.770
        Sugar, Soft                           11                   70
        Tea                                   20      7           1,100   350   15,330
        Timber                      Value                          514    200
        Tobacco -                    Cat.     1      20      1      15    200     20
        Tyre* and Tubes             Value                          150    500   1,060
        Vegetables   ,   .                                                 21      5
        Wheat Floor                  Cwt.                   215                  900
        Wool                                 361    528    534    5,0 S4   7,502  12,332
        Articles not specified above  Value                        175    110    930
                                 Total                          7,06,120  9,35,461  6,99,048

                                          TABLE R
             Exports of Principal Articles by Steamers daring tbe years 1934-35, 1935-36 and 1938-37.
                                                 Qcaynrr.              Valttx.
          Articles and names or coo-tries to vrincn
                                          1934-35  1915-36  1936-37  1934-35  1935-36  1936-37

                                                                 Ra.    Ba.    Ra.
        Arab Cloak*—
         Arab Coast                 Value                          500
         Iraq                                                     1,050  1,000
         India .                     9f                          11,168
         India                      Cwt.                  11468                18461
        P.ullioo, Fairer—
         United Kingdom .         . Value                               70,866
         Arab Coast .   .            ft                            700  12,900
         Iodia . .   .                                           J.000   1400  13400
         Iraq ...                    M                             940   1400
         Other Countries .           ft                          5,100   6400
         Arab Coast                 Cwt.     45     124    124     180    450    400
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