Page 422 - 4 Persian Trade rep KUWAIT 2_Neat
P. 422


                                              TABLE H—conclL
                Experts of Principal Articles by Steamers during the years 1934-35, 1935-36 and 1936-37—-concld.
                                                      QrA!«Tmr.              Valcs.
                 Articles axo xaxrs or roesnuns to wsuck
                                                1934-35  1935-36  J93G-37  1934-35  1935-36  1936-37
                                                                       Re.    Ra.     R*.
                Arab Coaxt                 Value                         318    200
                India •                                                  190
                Ar.«b Coast                Cwt.      1             1     15             20
                India .                                    20                   100
               Tyres and Tube*—
                ’ Persian Coast          . Value                         150    500   1.0C0
                India .   •
                Arab Coast                                                       21      5
               Wlc.U Flour—
                Arab Coast                 Cat                   225                   900
                India .                            277    528    534   3,950   7,502  12.332
                Other Countries             ft      84                  1,134
               Articles not sj.ccif ed above—
                Arab Coast .              Value                          50      35    850
                India ....                  • »                          75      75
                Iraif                                                    50             80

                                       Total                          7,06,120  9,35,161  6,99,048

                                                TABLE L
                   Exports of Principal Articles by Sailing Craft during the years 1934-35,1935-36 and 1936-37.
                                                      Qcantitt.              Yalue.
                       I>z9CBxrnos or Articles.
                                                 1934-35  1935-36  1936-37  1934-35  1935-36  1936-37

                                                                       Ra.    Ra.     Ra.
               Anchors                     Kos.                   60                    100
               Auiuals —
                Horae* .                                           1                    100
                Sheep and Coats             ft     804     87    354    2,897   341   1,724
               Arab Cloaks                 Value                       21,520  13,620
               Bs .Tibooa .   .                                         3,«50         l,5iS
               Bamboo, Split .              •»                           .799           162
               Bariey .                    Cat.    438   1,700    864   2,062  2,427  1.866
               Building Materials          Value                        6,242         2,996
   417   418   419   420   421   422   423   424   425   426   427