Page 423 - 4 Persian Trade rep KUWAIT 2_Neat
P. 423
TABLE I—oontd.
Export* of Principal Articles by Sailing Craft during the years 1934-35, 1935-36 and 1936-37—contJ.
QrANTXTT. Vair*.
Drscaimos or Ann cm. ;
• 1934-33 1933-30 1930-37 1934-35 19 .V* 36 1936-37
I !
t R*. R s. Rv
Cards intros Cwt. ' 3 5 4*0 tor
Carpet* and Ru(n Vil ,it 16.66S 25.ISO 31.330
Cenei.t. C»t. 6.720 3.013 «.72l» 3.015
Charcoal ... .169 3.623 1.161 3.003 5.124 2.244
Cigarvttc paper . Value ; 73o
Clarified nutter Cat. • 179 166 176 7.162 6,637 5.933
Coal mud Coal Tar . t a!ue ‘ 131
Coffee . • • Cwt. 322 351 1.122 10.661 11.490 47.6-4
Coir and Coir Rope . Value » 16.144 7.302 15.112
Cotton C*i. . 5 56 63 114 740 2.535
Dates 26,544 34.399 36.073 54.642 44,336 66.1.47
Date Stones 1,465 637 2.367 1.040 550 l..V»
Drugs Value ' 1,215 462 25.229
Dt>* ind Coloun : s 450
Fish. Dried I 2,055 2.1 to 2,4 J 1
Furniture : 150 140
Ground Nat* Cwt. 153 45 1.191 170
Gunny Pa***. Empty Val’.e 10,916 6.514 4,204
Haberdashery . i 63*3 963 2.-70
Hido- And Skins 3.131
Iron And Ironware 242 26 921
Heroine Ofl Gall*. I 64 16.000 6.4(4 40 8,000 3.6..*2
Liuu-f, Dried Cwt. 53 106 755 2.670
Machinery Value 545 35
Mats 360 463
Matches ... 1.372
Metals 120 963 3.35*1
Met or Cars and Cycles Nos. 1 ICO
Oil. Fish . Value 17,065 13,365 16,015
Oil. Other Sorts. Galls. 19 10 S5 50
Onions Cwt. 252 550 65 41*9 1,035 170
Piece-goods . . Value 33,159 65.565 1.96.347
Provisions 427
Pulses C«. 345 68 99 1,069 310 432
Rafters ... No*. 20,980 62,320 9.716 26,501
Rice ... Cwt. 6,258 139 361 36,756 735 2.270
Reek. Coral Value 1,386
Sad Cloth . . 235
Sahpctro ... 192
Sand ... 8,120 2,490
Sesame Juice . 425 160 230
Soap ... 360 2G0 299
Spices 120 1.054
Sugar, Loaf drt. 940 564 742 9,675 4.494 5.540
Sugar, Soft •• 9,942 8,141 6,081 65.200 53,283 28.&M
Tallow ... 9 1 148 12
Tamarind 2.976 5,974 3,162 18,238 19,006 14,6*1
Tea . 2,238 2,203 5,028 1,09,130 94,219 2.68*68
Timber . Value 11.435 30,034 15,997
Tobacco . 2.098 20 1,130
Vegetables . . 1.483 1.463 515
Wheat Cwt. 83 1,538 412 2,960 4,964 1.&50
Wheat Flow . 602 9.885 10,058 33.243 42A32
Wool 245 238 690 6,231 3,716 12.439
Articles not specified above Value 3,306 3,296 10.160
4,96,196 4,86,379 ®«83*247