Page 324 - Gulf Precis(VIII)_Neat
P. 324

                         to Tabriz, and that M. dc Giers was to take his place at Bushire. In the  mcan-
                          Persian Gulf diaries for the weeks ending while a Russian official named M.Ofseenko
                         23rd andjoih Sepicmbcr 1901.  arrived at Bushire on the 17th September
                         1901. He called on the Resident, and stated that his appointment was that of
                         First Assistant to the Consul-General, who, he expected, would arrive shortly,
                         and added that in the meanwhile he would carry on the work of the Consulate-
                             According to a newspaper report received from India Office, it appeared
                                                       that M. Korostovets was appinted Consul-
                              Secret E.( August 1902, No. 106.
                                                      General. M. de Geirs never took up the
                            57.  A Russian named Sevrian Yakolovitch Kassick'arrived during August
                                                       1901 at Bushire from Shiraz and Tehran.
                          Minirments rf Russian and Frenchmen in South­
                         ern Persia and in the Gulf.  He was said to be a traveller representing
                         a glassware firm in Russia. At Bushire he stayed with Mr. Kachaturian, a
                          Persian Gulf diaries for the weeks ending 19th I\USSi'an Armenian Agent of Messrs.
                        August and 9th and 23rd September 1901.  Mantuschoff, kerosene oil merchants of
                         Baku and Batoum. He left for Mohammerah on the 37th August. It was
                        latei reported from Mohammerah that he was returning to Tehran via Baghdad.
                            58.  A Russian named Kyosky, said to be from Tehran with samples of
                          Persian Gulf diary for the week ending 9th   china and glassware, arrived at Moham­
                        September 1901.               merah from Bushire during August 1901.
                         Persian Gnlf diary for the week ending 16th   59. A French doctor named Crespin
                        September 1901,               arrived at Bushire from Bombay on the
                                                      1 ith September 1901.
                         Persian Gnlf diary for the week ending 6th   60. Joseph Brasseur, “ Representant
                        January 190a.                 Voyageur de Maisons Francaises en
                        Perse,” arrived at Bushire on the 30th December 1901.
                            61.  M. de Serebiannikoff, a Russian subject, visited Bahrein during January
                         Persian Gulf diary for the week ending aoth *902. He took numerous photographs of
                        January 190a.                 the place, and, according to his own state­
                        ment, was travelling for pleasure. He stated that he had just come through
                        Asiatic Turkey, and was on his way to visit India, Ceylon and China, and that
                        he proposed sending the records of his travels to a Russian paper.
                            62.  M. Simon Vassilitch, a Russian trader from Bushire, arrived at Bandar
                        Abbas on the 30th January 1902, in the S.S. Kilwa, and was said to be on
                         Persian Gulf diaries for tbe weeks ending mth   his way to Odessa. It was understood he
                        and 17th February 1902.       was giving up business in the Gulf as
                        unproductive. From subsequent information received it appears that he left
                        Bushire under instructions from his head office at Moscow.
                            63.  Nicolai Petrosoff and Arakel Sarkisyan, the Agents of the Russian
                        manufacturers of piece-goods who came to Bushire in 1901, left on the 18th
                         Persian Gulf diary for the week ending 31st March 1902 for Shiraz, having given the
                        March 1902.                   Agency to Mr. Zeytoon, an Armenian
                                                      Commission Agent.
                         Persian Gulf diary for tbe week coding 7th April   64. M. Sharoansky, the Russian doctor,
                                                      left Bushire in the Russian steamer Kor-
                                                      niloff on the 28th March 1902.
                           65. A Russian named Ritman arrived at Lingah during February 1902,
                        and was said to have disembarked from the Korniloff at Mohammerah,
                         Per»ian Gulf diaries for the weoio ending 10th, whence he proceeded to Ispahan. From
                        «7th. 24th and 3»t March .902.   there he went down to Shiraz and
                        thence to Bushire. From Bushire he started for Lingah overland. He gave
                        himself out to be a merchant, but appeared to be a military officer. He left
                        Lingah for Bandar Abbas where he arrived on the 6th March and stayed with
                        Saiyid Suleiman, the Russian Commercial Agent. On his way to Bandar
                       Abbas he visited Bassidore, and is said to have taken notes of what he saw
                       there. He also went to Taft where he inspected the old fort and then went to
                       Kishm. He left Bandar Abbas on the 19th March for Kerman.
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