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               66.  A Russian named N. W. Bogayavlensky landed at Bushire on the 7th
           March 1902 from the Russian steamer Korniloff\ and stayed with the
             Persian Gulfdiaries for the week, ending loth Russian Consul who told the Resident
           March, aisc April, $t\\ and a6th May,gih June »nd that he was insterested in scientific re«
           7th and 2«ih July 190a.        searches, and especially marine zoology.
           Me visited Mohammcrah on the loth April and left for Koweit on the 15th April,
           from which place lie returned to Bushire on the 25th April. He then went on
           to Bahrein where he arrived on the 13th May with a letter of introduction to
                                          the Sheikh from the Russian Consul at
               Secret E., August 190a, Nos. 234-236.
                                          Bushire. He visited the Sheikh, and
           occupied his time in collecting Natural History specimens and photographing
           the town and its approaches. He visited Bushire and Bandar Abbas again, and
           then went on to Maskat, arriving there on the 12th July. He called on the
           Sultan and left presumably for Gwadur. It was subsequently reported that he
           arrived at Karachi on the 15th July (see paragraph 74 below).
               67.  The Acting Russian Consul-General M. Ofseenko visited Bandar Abbas
           and Lingah in the Russian cruiser Varyag during the last week of December
            Visit of the Acting Russian Consul-General at I901. At Lingah he inspected the Water
                                 225 «i» reservoirs, the quarantine .round, etc., and
           13th and 37th January 1902.    was visited by Haji Ali Ahmed Saleh Dub-
           ash, a former Hamal Bashi of Bushire Customs, and Haji Abdur Rahman, the
           French Consular representative, both of whom asked to be given the Russian
           Consular agency. It was said that M. Ofseenko held out hopes to both
           of them. He also asked 2 Lari merchants to patronise Russian trade. While
           awaiting at Bandar Abbas for the mail steamer to Bushire, he went over to
           Kishm and was busy at the Customs House collecting information regarding the
           chief articles of import and export.
               68.  M. Miller, the Russian Consul in Seistan, visited Kerman on the 18th
           October 1901. He made careful enquiries regarding the doings of the English
                                          in Kerman, and visited the principal
            Visit to Kerman of the Russian Consul in Seis-
           fan.                           merchants and shops. It is believed that
            Secret F., January 1902, Nos. 238-262.  M. Miller's journey to Kerman had for its
           object the placing of a Russian Consul at that centre. Reports were also current
           at the time that M. Miller was to be appointed Russian Consul at Kerman.
               69.  Mr. Termenlen, a Dutch subject, who had been doing business in Ahwaz
             Russian Consular Agent at Bandar Abbas,   formerly and latterly had been in the
            Secret E.( January 1903, Nos. 34-35*  employ of Messrs. Dunlop at Tehran, was
           reported in October 1902 to have been appointed Russian Consular Agent at
           Ahwaz and Mohammerah.
               70. In March 1903 the Russian Consul visited Lingah and made enquiries
                                          from the French Agent there about
             Russian Consul’s enquiries about Bassidore,
            Secret E., May 1903, Nos. 48-50.  Bassidore, as to whether the British flag
           is flown there, etc.
               71.  In 1903, Haji Nasrullah Khan was appointed Russian Consular Agent
            Appointment of Russian Consular Agent at   at Kerbella.
            Secret B., May 1903, Nos. 318-319.
               72.  In the Novoe Vremya of 4th January 1903 an article appeared purport­
                The “ Novoe Vremya's " contentions.   ing to be answer to a series of articles
            Socret E., May 1903, Nos- 115-116.  published in the Times, dealing with the
           question of the Persian Gulf. It condemned what it called the spirit of chauvin-
           ism  of the English Press, contended that the Russians had every right to share
           with England the control of the Persian waters.
               73. The Russian Consul at Basrah, M. Adamaw, proceeded on a tour in
          Russian Consul at Basrah cruisers in the “Asbold11 the Russian CTUlSer Askold round the
                    in the Gulf, 1903.   Persian Gulf.
            Secret E., June 1903, Nos. 96-102.
              74. A Russian naturalist named Bogayavleusky visited Bahrein in May 1903
            A Russian naturalist's visit to Bahrein, 1903.   for studying marine zoology with a letter
            Secret E., August 1903, Nos. 272-273.  of introduction from the Russian Consul at
          Bushire (see paragraph 66 above).
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