Page 327 - Gulf Precis(VIII)_Neat
P. 327
The godown is on the west side of the Court yard of the “ Kulla Feringhif
the upper floor of which is the oflicial residence of the Deputy Governor, while
the ground floor is used for oflices and godowns by the Customs Department.
Nearly all the neighbouring godowns are used by the Customs Department, and
they were naturally anxious to get coal removed from the godown in which it is
stored. It appears that all these godowns have been actually acquired by the
Customs Department without any compensation, and the owner of the godown in
question, who was formerly claiming rent for its use, has now ceased to take any
interest in the matter.
81. During a visit, which the Russian Consul-General paid to Bandar Abbas
in 1904, he is reported to have walked round and looked at the godown, but did
not have it opened nor made any remarks on the subject.
82. Colonel Kcmball was of opinion that we should not interfere in the
matter (No. 51, dated the 26th February
Secret E., November 1904, No 127.
1904). Lieutenant Shakespeare also depre
cated any active steps being taken in the matter, as such would likely be to bring
the question of ownership into prominence, and also revive any interest that the
Russian Consular Agent might still take on
Secret E., March 1905, Nos. 566*567.
the matter (No. 426 of 1904).
83. In March 1904 the Russian Steamer Jupiter landed some buoys, about
. .. . . * d »• twenty in number, at Bushire. The Rus-
Landing of Russian buoys at Uushire% and their A * ^ 1 .. . 1 r
uie in the Bushire harbour and on the bar of the S13I1 v/OnSUl-LlCnCrSl 3ppll6Cl tO thC v^UStOlTlS
Shat-el-Arab. Proposed scheme /or improving the tO have them admitted free of duty Oil the
Bushire harbour, 1904. . , . , J . ,
_ ground that they were the property of the
Secret E., July 1904, N01. no*i 17. ft r' J . *^1! r J
Russian Government, lhe request was,
however, refused and the duty appears to have been paid.
84. Seven of these buoys were laid down in September and October 1904 to
mark the fair way channel into Bushire har
Secret E., March 1905, Nos. 885*894.
bour, and three on the bar of the Shat-el-
Arab, opposite on a parallel line to the buoys which have been laid by the British
India Steam Navigation Company.
85. In March 1904 the Belgian Director General of Customsin formed Colo
nel Kemball that he had sent to Tehran
Secret E., July 1904, Nos. 110*117 (No. 113).
a project for light houses and for making
proper harbour at Bushire. The expenditure he thought would be very large
and he did not think that the Persian Government would be in a position to
undertake the work for a long time to come.
85-A. In November 1904, and again in October 1905, Mons. Nicolas Anat-
onni, Director of the Mercantile Marine and
Secret E., December 1904, Nos. 72*78.
Secret E , December 1905, No*. 312*319. Ports in St. Petersburg, visited Southern
Secret E., January 1906, Nos. 25*26.
Persia on a commercial mission and with a
view to open Russian Banks at Shiraz, and other places.
85-B. In November 1905, there were persistent rumours at Bandar Abbas
and Kishm that the Shah of Persia had
Secret E.( January 1906. Nos. 101*105.
while at St. Petersburg agreed to lease to
Russia the island of Kishm, through Moin-ut-Tujjar, who was*also in Europe at
the time of the Shah’s visit [vide para. 284 post about this Moin-ut-Tujjar],
In this connection might be mentioned the report of a concession granted to
Moin-ut-Tujjar in 1902 of working certain
Secret E., July 1902, Nos. 49-'So.
mines at Bandar Khamir (on Kishm island?
or on the mainland opposite). It was alleged by the Governor of Bushire that
this was intended to pave the way for Russian influence in Kishm island.
(ii) French activity in the Gulf.
86. In 1881 Messrs. Izoard St Co. of Paris chartered a steamer S.S. Severin
French Commercial enterprise in the Cuff in for a trial trip to the Persian Gulf and des
1881-82. patched it with a cargo of French goods and
Secret, May 18S1, Nos. 52*55.
Colonel de Rivoire on board deputed on a
Commercial Mission to the Gulf. The steamer proceeded to Maskat and Basrah.
But the enterprise resulted in a heavy loss.