Page 331 - Gulf Precis(VIII)_Neat
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Company’s Mail Service. So far as he could judge of the prospects of Foreign
competition, he thought there was at that little cause for concern. The Messa-
Pagt $ of the tpp«ndix to the Gull AdraioUira- gcries Maritime Company suspended their
tloo Koport lot 1096-97. service in the Gulf in March 1897.
p8. Messrs. A. and T. J. Malcolm of Bushire, Agents for the Anglo-
Arabian and Persian Steamship Company and the Anglo-Algerian Steamship
Company, brought to notice the probability of the intrusion of Foreign Powers
into the Gulf, and anticipated serious danger and loss to their lines of steamers.
99. A statement, they said, had been made by the French Vice-Consul, M.
Biryois, to the effect that it was the intention of the French Government to
establish a line of steamers and to open up French commerce with the Gulf
leading to the Upper Karun.
100. In connection with this, Colonel Meade mentioned that the recent trip
up the Karun by the French Vice-Consul had undoubtedly undertaken with
the object of promoting French trade in the Province of Arabistan and on the
101. The French Vice-Consulate at Bushire was re-established in 1897 (vide
French Vics-Consulats at Bushire. para. 91 above.) M. Ferrand, who had been
Page 6 of the Administration Report of tha appointed Vice-Consul, arrived in June
Poniso G*U for 1897-98. 1897. He remained till the end of October
1897* He was succeeded by M. Bryois, who took over charge in February 1898.
102, In 1899, the French established a Consular Agency at Lingah
and were endeavouring to obtain a footing
French Consular Agent, Lingah.
by extending their protection to Persian
Asia Confidential Print, Section I, April 15th.
subjects. The Dragoman of the French
Vice-Consulate at Bushire arrived at Lingah on 19th April 1899. He was
landed with the French Hag flying in a boat from the Turkish man-of-war.
The French flag which he hoisted on shore was pulled down by order of the
Persian Admiral, but was re-hoisted a few days later under a salute from the
Persian battery.
103. In September 1898, the Zil-es-SuItan informed the British Legation
French designs on Arabistan. that he had good evidence that the visit
Not. a8 and as A. of Secret B.,D*cetnber 1898, of Comte D’Arlot, French Charge
Nos. ia-a9. d’Affaires, to Ispahan was not one for
pleasure or travel, but was a political one. The French intended to get conces
sions from the Persian Government in and about the districts of Mohammerah,
Shuster and Dizful, in order that they might have a footing there. The French
were supposed to be working for the benefit of the Russians.
104. In November 1898, Sir Mortimer Durand reported that a French
French adeatific part/ ender M. deMorgan in scientific party under the charge of M.
ArabWUn. deMorgan had been spending several
Secret En March 1899, No. 1.
months near Mohammerah. Sir Morti
mer Durand was warned by the Zil-es-Sultan that their objects were not purely
scientific. This party and the French Vice-Consul at Bushire were supposed
to have had something to do with the
Secret B., March 1899, Not. 778-780 (No. 779).
notification by the Persian Foreign Office
Agent at Mohammerah that the period for which the Karun was open to naviga
tion had expired.
' 105. M. June Viand (Pierre Loti), the distinguished French author and
Movements 0/pierreLoti. Academician, proceeded in April 1900 from
Secret-e., May 1900, No. 70. Bombay to Bushire, with his Secretary
G. Guiffier, a Russian. He landed at Maskat and visited the Sultan. From
Bushire he proceeded to Tehran. M. Ottavi appears to have despatched some
cypher messages to Tehran in connection with his movements.
106. The house till lately occupied by the German Vice-Consul was pur
Purchase of m house at Bushire by the French, chased in 1900 by the French Government.
Sercet B., November 1900, Not. 39-35- It was rumoured that it was intended for
a French Roman Catholic Mission School.