Page 332 - Gulf Precis(VIII)_Neat
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                             107.  In 1903 the activities of foreigners, especially the French as well as
                                                      Russians to get a commercial footing at
                         Prmrh and competition with British tradt on   Maskat and the Persian Gulf underwent a
                               Oman and the Persian Gut/, I0OO.
                              Secret E., January 1904, No*. 64-79.  marked development. At Maskat M.
                                                      Goguyer and M. Keverkoff carried on a
                         thriving trade. The former was busy also pushing his commercial enterprises in
                         Bahrein, Katif and Koweit. He found an active and powerful ally in Mahomed
                         Abdul YVahab Pasha of Dahrein. Two of M. Goguyer’s sons were pupils in the
                         French monastery at Baghdad, and he had occasion to continue his tours as far
                         as Baghdad,
                             108.  M. Jouanin tried his hand also in archrcological researches in Bahrein.
                         He opened with the Chief’s permission two tombs at Ali, but was refused leave
                         to remove inscriptions from the ruined mosque two miles out of Manama, which
                         he was anxious to carry away.
                            109.  Another Frenchman we find busy in the Gulf in 1903 was Mons.
                        Jouanin, connected with the Depeche Colonialc and General Secretary of an
                        influential French Society of Commerce run by the Colonial Party and issuing a
                        periodical le Bulletin du Comte de 1'Asie Francaise, whose Gulf correspondent
                        is M. Goguyer. M. Jouanin proceeded to Maskat and ports in the Gulf with
                        samples of French goods and examined markets for openings. He visited
                        Bahrein in September 1903 and approached the Chief with a project for
                        opening a Bank at Bahrein, but was told by the Chief (who consulted Mr. Gaskin)
                        that no need was felt for a Bank at the place.
                                        (iii) German activity in the Persian Gulf.
                            110. An Imperial German Consulate-General was established at Baghdad
                           German Consulate General at Baghdad.   in 1894 and Mr. Richard was the first
                            External A., February 1895, No. 86.  Consul-General appointed,
                            in. A German Consulate was for the first time established at Bushire in
                              German Consulate at Bushire.  November 1897. Dr. Hauck, formerly of
                           Gulf Administration Report for 1897-98.  the German Legation at Tehran, was ap-
                        pointed Consul.
                            11 a; A German man-of-war, the Arcona, arrived at Maskat on 33rd March
                              Visit of the Artona to the Gulf.  1899 and Bushire on 29th after visiting
                            Secret E., February 1899, Nos. 7*9.  Lingah. She left Maskat for Aden on 8th
                        April 1899.
                            113. The German railway project to Baghdad and the Persian Gulf, for
                              German Railway to Baghdad.   which a concession has been obtained, is
                         Seiret E., January 1900. Nos. 144-149.  a large subject itself, and as the question
                             „ October 1900, Nos. 175 281.  of the British obtaining a control over the
                             „  May 1501, Nos. 5 7.
                             „  October 1903, Nos. 60-72.  line, at any rate from Baghdad to the
                             „ February 1905, Nos. 1446-1469.
                                                      Persian Gulf, is still under consideration,
                        the subject is held over for a separate Precis.* The proceedings in connection
                        with the German and Turkish attempts to secure a hold over Koweit for the
                        terminus of the projected railway on the Persian Gulf are dealt with in the
                        Koweit Pride.
                            114. M. Wankhaus, a member of a German firm of Hamburg, who had been
                               U. Wankhaus in Bahrein.  doing business at Lingah for some years,
                               Secret E., July 1901, No. 98.  opened a branch at Bahrein in June 1901
                        and established himself in the island.
                            115. Dr. Bach, consulting chemist and traveller for the Baden Aniline and
                                                      Loda factories of Ludwig-Shafen, Baden,
                               Dr. Back's visit to Bahrein.
                                                      visited Bahrein during December 1901, the
                          Gulf diary for week ending 6th January 1902.
                                                      object of his visit being to ascertain the
                        prospect of the sale of aniline dyes in the island.
                           German Consul at Bushire visits, Bahrein. 116. Dr. Reinhardt, the German Consul,
                         . Gulf diary for week ending and January 1902. visited Bahrein during May I9O2.
                          to d *t°d latb^S**”* *b°the n°,e* *>rocoe<*‘n2s S*cr0*i February 1905, No*. 1446-1469, especially Mr. Ruiiell'*
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