Page 38 - Anglo Portuguese Rivalry in The Gulf_Neat
P. 38

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  :1 ;                                                                                       absence from the Gulf, the English felt nervous about
  ! t                 Ormuz was allowed to lapse for the moment, but by
                      way of compensation Ruv Freyre  founded and                     i      the possibility of their ships being intercepted if they
                      garrisoned a small fort at Julfar, on the Arabian shore                should sail separately, and accordingly both their
     :     if
                      opposite Kishm island, which was a strategic centre                    homeward-bound and Persia ships sailed together early
                      of some importance as well as the site of a valuable                   in January for Gornbrun, whence the latter returned
                      pearl fishery.                                                         in April having parted with their homeward-bound
   1                    On the conclusion of this truce with Persia, Ruy                     consorts off Jask.1
      I               Freyre’s forces were free to be used elsewhere than in                    Ruy Freyre did not remain idle after returning to
                      the Gulf, and he soon received a summons from the                      his post, for the English factors at Gombrun reported
                      new Viceroy, Dom Miguel de Noronha, Conde de                           that during 1631, “ Ruy Freery reigning [ranging]
                      Linhares, to join him in an expedition that was being                  with three gallions and 20 frigotts in the Gulph,
                      fitted out at Goa for a secret destination, which                      presented the Duke [Khan of Shiras] with 600 tomans
                      rumour variously reported to be the English ships at                   and required the restitution of Ormus; or if not that,
                      Swally, the Dutch fort Geldria at Paliacat on the                      then the free custom of all goods that the Portugalls
                      Coromandel coast, and Malacca. On receipt of these                     should land in all places or ports there, and free trade
                      orders, Ruy Freyre sailed with eight well-appointed                    without molestacion of the English or Dutch; all was
                      galliots for Bassein, which he reached in November.                    denied them.” At the end of the same year, he
                      The news of his arrival caused considerable alarm                      detached four well-equipped galliots, manned with
                      amongst the English at Swally, who had not forgotten                   picked crews, to .join a force of 20 frigates from Goa,
                      the fate of the Lion, but his force was too small to                   which had been sent to recapture the fortress of
    il .
                      effect anything. Although he put in an appearance off                  Mombasa, taken by a sudden outbreak of the native
                      the “ Hole,” together with fourteen other frigates,                    and Arab population, after all the Portuguese in­
                      he soon saw that there was no chance of taking the                     habitants had been massacred to a man.1
                   . English by surprise, and so continued on his voyage to                     In this same year of 1631, the English made an
    0                 Goa, where he arrived on December' 21st, 1630.1                        important alteration in the arrangements for their
 »ii                  Here he remained until May, 1631, when he was sent                     Persian trade. The country round Surat had been
                      back to Muscat by the Viceroy, since the proposed                      ruined by famine and flood, so that the outlook for
   l                  expedition against Paliacat had been abandoned on                      1632 was far from promising. In these circumstances,
  ‘it                                                                                \
                      receipt of the news of Botelho’s death off Jambi in '       !•         the factors at Surat resolved to concentrate their
  ii                  the previous year, and the- destruction of Constantino                   1 James, William, Blessing, Intelligence, Discovery arid Reformation.
                      de S4 with his army in Ceylon. Despite Ruy Freyre’s                    Gombrun was reached on February I7th and the ships left just over a month
                                                                                             later, the first three arriving at Swally on the 15th April.
                       ^Compare document! calendared in Foster, op. cit,, pp. 57, 60,97 and 100.  *An account of the fall and recapture of Mombasa will be found on pp.
                      The Commentaries give the date of Ruy Freyre’s arrival at Goa as the 2nd   i  475-487 of Faria y Sousa’s Asia Portuguesa, (Lisboa, 1675). The first
                      February, 1631, but this is obviously wrong. Father Manoel Xavier, S. J.,   attempt to retake it was repulsed with heavy loss and the expedition returned
                      who was an eye-witness gives the date stated in the text, which agrees with   defeated to Goa, but the rebels abandoned the place without fighting
  1                   the English statements that Ruy Freyre was off Swally during the first week   immediately afterwards, when it was re-occupied by a small force which
  t                   an December.                                                           had been left to blockade it.
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