Page 199 - Dilmun 21
P. 199

When Richard Steele and a companion John rowther were on route to
Europe through Persia rom lndia in 1615, Shirley procured a cordial
reception or him rom Shah Abbas who readily granted a irman or trading
purposes. It was not however until 1617 when the East lndia ompany sent
out Edward annock as a actor to develop the Persian rade that any
practical steps were taken to turn to account the avourable prepossessions
which the Shah through the inluence o Shirley had ormed or the English.
Shah Abbas granted the English Jask ull reedom o trade and contracted to
deliver to them 1000 - 000 bales o silk annually at a price 6 Shillings to 6
Shillings and 6pence per pound.

At the close o 1621 ive ships rom the English Fleet arrived in the ul under
the joint command o aptains Blyth and Nedell. At that time the Persians has
besieged rmuz. An agreement was signed between the English and lAlah
Wardi han (the Persian ommander). From then the end o the Potruguese
domination in the uI was eminent. (Feb. 1622).

                                  he English ln lndia

As we have seen, while there was bitter enmity verging on warare between
the English and the Dutch in the Eastern Archipelago, the orces o the wto
nations were united in opposition against the Portuguese. he alliance grew
out o the treayt o deense which provided that each part,٧ should maintain
a leet or joint operations in utrherance o the interests o the two countries.

ln the middle o ctober 1626 a combined leet sailed into Bombay harbour
and ound that the Potruguese admiral Boteiho had escaped them, the Dutch
destroyed the settlement which was evacuated rom its valuable Potruguese
possessions and stores. However, in 169 Francis Day the chie actor at
Armagon (Southern hndia) obtained rom the last representative o the old
Vizayanagar Dynasty a grant o a site on the East oast. Subsequently on
this ground Fotr St. eorge was built, the citadel around it ulitmately grew
into the great city o adras. his was the rst time the East lndia ompany
held ull Sovereignyt on a land east o Suez. his was the germ rom which
the mighyt British dominion in the East inally developed.
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