Page 197 - Dilmun 21
P. 197

let in the same year (161) in the clove leaving Adams and r. ock s
incharge o the English actoyr in Hirado. wo years later in 1615 that the use
o the word or tea was irst recorded in English.

An English actor . W‫ﻚ‬ckhamwriting to his riend .r Eaton in Hirado ask to
buy a Pot o best chaw in eaco the place when tea was grown or Shogun.
It seems that tea drinking was well established amongst the Englishmen
some ity years beore atherine o Braganza marirage to harles.

hina had been known as a source o various eoitc and luurious goods
since ancient itmes and the East lndia ompany was keen to statr trading
there. he ompany irst ship to visit the (London) in 167 was ollowed by
commander John Weddells attempts on behal o the rival coutreen
association to open up commercial contacts in 167. Neither visit attempted
was great success. he anchu Emperor eventually opened his potrs to
oreign trade in 165 and the company s irst trading post was at Amo.y
Although with rapid rise o tea trade in the late seventeenth centu,yr anton
became better placed to sevice their requirement,

eh  hsilgnE                                                                        n

Al١ the time the English and Dutch were patraking in deadly rivalyr in the
Eastern lslands the historic ight against the Potruguese was proceeding
practically without interruption. hough heavily beaten with some o her best
centers o trade captured her commerce crippled and her prestige shattered,
Potrugal ought on with all the energy o despai.r Dirven out o the Eastern
seas by the Dutch ships she concentrated her resources on the deense o
her possession in lndia - oa. oa was no mean city. It was only one o
several impotrant possessions that Potrugal then owned in this region like
ochin, annanore, olombo, elyon, Janapatam, Hormuz, ombroon
and Bahrain. At a veyr early stage ollowing their irst visit to Surat the English
turned their attention to the Persian ul rade. hey looked at the ui as a

channel or the prosecution o Eastern rade.

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