Page 192 - Dilmun 21
P. 192

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Job harnokc, the ompany s most eperienced actor in Bengal in 1690,
ounded alcutta. Bengal having become increasingly impotrant to the
ompany s trade. Several actories had been established there since 1640
including one at Hooghli just notrh o alcutta. ١n his war with the oghul
harnock evacuated Hooghli and set up camp near the village o Kalighat. At
this location alcutta was established work began on Fotr W‫ﻚ‬lliamin 1697 it
was to become the largest and the most impregnable o the ompany s
buildings in lndia.

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he East lndia ompany evolved in time into two quite dierent creatures.
n one hand there was the ompany in lndia where erritorial ta revenue
and political interests had developed although trade alone had initially been
envisaged on the other hand, here was the ompany in the East where
territorial acquisition was kept to a minimum and trade assumed the prioirty.
he company that ruled in india was dependent on its arm,y he ompany
that traded utrher East depended on the Sea, he might o the ompany and
British navy came to be deployed in keeping the sea lanes open or trade
against actual or potential enemies.


Unlike Hong kong Singapore was a creation o the East lndia ompany
which needed a secure base at the head o strategically vitla straits o
alacca, he Dutch were tyring to eclude Birtish ships rom the straits.
Stamord Rales was charged by Hastings to ind a suitable place or a
settlement with two cruisers and a hundred sailors o the Bombay marine and
three hundred and otry Bengal sepoys. He selected (Sinhapura) a small
island at the veyr tip o the alay Peninsula. A deal was quickly strukc with
Sultan o Johore and the union Jakc hoisted in 124. Rales returned to

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