Page 191 - Dilmun 21
P. 191

London in ill health impoverished and mourning the death o three o his our
children ar rom rewarding his thitry years o sevrice. he directors
demanded S22,000 they claimed that he owed them. Rales died shotrly
ater his widow paid the ompany 10 ,000 to settle the matte.r By 157 it
was estimated that the total trade o Singapore had reached 10,000 000.

n 12d, Ramadan 1024, 5» ctober 1615 Shah Abbas gave the East lndia
company a irman ordering his subjects unto what degree so ever to kindly
receive and entetrain the English Franks or nation, at what time any o their
ships or shipping shall arirve at Jasques (‫ﺘ‬ask) or any other o the potrs in our
kingdom to conduct them and their merchandize to what place or places - you
shall see them saely deended about our coasts rom any other Frank or
Franks wheresover. his Sir homas Roe A gentleman o pregnant
understanding, well spoken, learned, industirous o comely personage the
ambassador to the oghul coutr urged caution on the grounds that an
immediate move to take advantage o this irman might precipitate hostilities
iwth Spain or Potrugal. Howeve,r the English actors at Surat overrlued Sir
homas and in 1616 sent the James to Jask. n board was Edward annock
who proceeded to open actories at Shira2 and lsahan and was cordially
received by the Shah (Abbas). annock was granted another irman with
utrher privileges.

١n 161 the English merchants scored a utrher success when the Shah
agreed not to epotr any siik to Spain or Potrugal or to Europe via ukre.y ln
addition, the Shah promised to supply the English East lndia ompany
merchants with a quantiyt o silk eveyr year at a given rate. his could be
shipped rom Jask ree o duty. Shah Abbas was tyring through his ermans
to get the British suppotr against the Potruguese monopoly o trade and to re
establish his authoriyt on Hormu, ishm, ambroon and Bahrain. Potrugal
did not intend to surrender the monopoly o the ul and lndian cean rade
iwthout a ight. ١n June 1620 a strong Potruguese naval squadron under the
ocmmand o Ruy Freyre de Andrade appeared o Hormuz.

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