Page 190 - Dilmun 21
P. 190



           Several conrontations between the Potruguese and the British took place.                                                                                                                                             {‫ﺍ‬
           he inal one was on Februayr 1622 when Shah Abbas s orces captured the
           Fotr o Hormu2 with the assistance o the British leet in the ‫ﻥ‬I. his was
           the result o Edward onno (ormer agent o the English East lndia
            ompany in lran) and the company s bribe taking James ١ and the Duke o
            Buckingham, iwth 10,000 each to persuade them to ward o the wrath o the
            King o Spain, engendered by the ompany s acts o war at a time when
            England and Spain were oicially at peace.

            Jnder the terms o the treaty between Potrugal and Shah Abbas in 1625 the
            Potruguese returned to Iran all its coastal possessions and the P.ul
            retaining only the pealr banks at Bahrain and a potrion o the Kung ustoms.
            Bahrain was already under Shah Abbas s rule rom 1612. he triumph o the
            English and the disappearance o the Potruguese monopoly were shotr lived
            because the ships rom Holland arrived in the area to challenge English

            ١n 1602 the Dutch east india ompany was ormed. It soon became obvious
            that the opinion o the Dutch that the commerce o the oluccas, Amboina
            and Banda should belong to the Dutch East lndia company and htat no other
            nation should have the least patr . ١٨ 1641 the Dutch captured alacca and
            bewteen 16-165 they epelled the Potruguese rom eylon, ١٨ 1652 they
            established a colony on the ape o ood Hope. ١n 1625 the Dutch
            cooperated with the English to rustrate a Potruguese attempt to recapture
            Hormuz. ١n 629 the Dutch estalbished a actoyr at Bandar Abbas and
            monopolizes the spice trade with Iran. he conlict bewteen to wto
            companies continued in 1645 the Dutch attacked Qishm lsland and obtained
            rom Shah Abbas a license to purchase silk in any patr o lran.

            By middle o the 17 centuyr the East lndia o actoyr moved rom Bandar
            Abbas to Basra but the Dutch sent ships to Basra and ivtrually destroyed
            the English actory. But at the conclusion o peace in 1654 damages o
            5,000 were awarded to the English company. England and Holland were at
            war again 1665-1667 but the independence o the Netherlands was assured
            by the treaty o Nijmegan in 167 and England was in alliance with Holland
            against France 16.

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