Page 194 - Dilmun 21
P. 194

he irst overnor eneral o lndia was Warren Hastings. Under his
dispensation, the epansion o British rule in india was pursued vigorousl,y
and the British sought to master indigenous systems o knowledge. Hastings
remained in lndia until 174 and was succeeded by ornwallis, who initiated
the permanent Settlement, whereby an agreement in perpetuity was reached
with 2amindars or landlords or the clolection o revenue. For the net ity
years, the British were engaged in attempts to eliminate lndian rivals and it is
under the administration o Wellesley that British territorial epansion was
achieved with ruthless eiciency. ajor victories were achieved against ipu
Sultan o ysore and the arathas, and inally the subjugation and conquest
o the Sikhs in a series o Anglo Sikh Wars led to British occupation over the
entirety o lndia. ١n some places, the British practiced indirect rule, placing a
Resident at the coutr o the native ruler who was allowed sovereignty in
domestic matters. Lord Dalhousie s notorious doctirne o lapse whereby a
native state became patr o British lndia i there was no male heir at the death
o the ruler, was one o the principal means by which native states were
anneed but oten the anneation, such as htat o Awadh(udh) in 156, was
justiied on the grounds that the native pirnce was o eivl disposition,
indierent to the welare o his subjects. he anneation o native states,
harsh revenue policies, and the plight o the lndian peasantyr all contirbuted
to the Rebellion o 157-57, reerred to previoulsy as the Sepoy utiny. In
15 John Stuatr ill dissolved the East lndia ompan,y despite a valiant
deense o its purpotred achievements, and the administraiton o lndia
became the responsibility o the rown.

                                   e lndian Presidencies

he three principal centers o the ompany s trade and later its
administration in india Bombay, adras and alcutta were known as the
presidencies. Each Presidency had a governo,r but ater the arrival o Warren
Hastings, the Fotr William (alcutta) Presidency took precedence and
Hasting became the irst overnor eneral in 1774.


eded by treayt in 169, adras was the isrt permanent toe hold that hte
ompany gained on the sub continent. ١t had ew natural advantages apatr

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