Page 196 - Dilmun 21
P. 196

East lndia ompany s earliest venture was probably Sir Robetr Shilrey, a
gentleman adventurer who, or a good many years at the opening o
seventeenth centuyr igured on the diplomatic stage in Europe as
Ambassador to shah Abbas the 1"٠ Robetr Shirley was a resourceul man and
soon won his way to avour by the measures he introduced or the re
organization o the Persian army on European lines. ١n 1607 he had
practically adopted a Persian domiicle by maryring the daughter o a
ircassian noble who was one o the Shahs princilpe oicers, tn 160 Robetr
Shirley was employed by the Shah on a diplomatic misison to the coutr o
ing James, ١٦ 1615 he was back in Persia but was sent by Shah Abbas or
a resh mission in Europe (Portugal, Spain and later England). He
represented the Shah in Europe or 1 years but on returning to Persia was
told that the shah had no utrher use or his sevrices. He was intensely
mortiied, sickened and died. His remains were, in the irst instance buried
under his doorstep in ehran but were later ehumed by his wie, taken to
Rome and buried in the hurch o Santa aria Dellascala. His iwe entered
the convent attached to the church on quitting the East.

When Richard Steele and a companion John rotwher were on route to
Europe through Persia rom lndia in 1615, Shilrey procured a cordial
reception or him rom Shah Abbas who readily granted a irman or trading
purposes. It was not howeve,r until 1617 when the East india company sent
out Edward annock as a actor to devleop the Persian rade that any
practical steps were taken to turn to account the avourable prepossessions
which the Shah through the inluence o Shilrey had ormed or the English.
Shah Abbas granted the English Jask ull reedom o trade and contracted to
dleiver to them 1000 000 bales o silk annually at a price 6 shillings to 6
shillings and 6 pence per pound. At the close o 1621 ive ships rom the
English leet arrived in the ul under the joint command o aptains lBtyh
and Nedell. At the time the Persians has besieged rmuz. An Agreement was
signed bewteen the English and Allah Wardi han (the Persian ommander)
rom then the end o the Potruguese domination in the ul was eminent (Feb
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