Page 32 - The Persian Gulf Historical Summaries (1907-1953) Vol III
P. 32
Beginning at a poinl near
the village of Zellaq on (he
western side of Bahrein Island,
Persian Gulf, at a two-inch iron
pipe set in cement, marked
with the number 320, which
lies S. 76* 14' 46" E. a distance
of eight hundred ninety-eight
and ninety-five hundredths
(898 95) feet from the north
east corner of the large sauare
cement tank built around the
Zellaq village water well, and
running along a line N. 13’
33' 52" W. a distance of
twenty-one thousand two hun
dred ninety-two and fifty-eight
hundredths (21.292*58) feet to
post No thence due
o. 192;
north thirty-nine thousand
twenty-nine and seventy-nine
hundredths (39,029*79) feet to
post No. 14a thence due
cast seven thousand six hundred
seventy-one and forty-seven
hundredths (7.671*47) feet to
post No. 23a; thence due
south five thousand seventy-
three and seventeen hundredths
(5.073 17) feet to post
No. 44, thence S. 60* E. five
thousand nine hundred five-
tenths (5.905*5) feet to
number 76; thence due cast 'five
thousand one hundred fourteen
and thirty-one hundredths
(5.114*31) feet to post No. 96;
thence S. 60’ E. seventeen
thousand seven hundred sixteen
and five-tenths (17,716*5) feet
to post No. 131; thence south
26* 59' 44- E. twenty-eight
thousand one hundred sixty-
seven and forty-four hundredths
(28.167*44) feet to post No. 373;
thence S. 04* 42' 54” E. thirty-
one thousand one hundred
nine and fifteen hundredths
(31.109*15) feel to post No. 596;
thence S. 07* 03' 10" W. forty-
one thousand six hundred fifty-
three and sixty-six hundredths
(41.653 66) feet to post No. 763;
thence S. 30* W. fifteen thou
sand three hundred forty-two
and ninety-four hundredths
(15.342 94) feet to post No. 783:
thence due W. ten thousand
two hundred twenty-eight and
sixty-three hundredths
(10.228 63) feet to post No. 765;
thence N. 60* W. eight thou
sand eight hundred fifty-eight
and twenty-five hundredths
(8.858*25) feet to post No. 734;
thence N. 16* 06' 08- W.
eighteen thousand four hundred
thirty-nine and ninety-two
hundredths (18.439*92) feet to
post No. 649; thence N. 09*
30' 55" W. forty-six thousand
four hundred six and eleven
hundredths (46,406*11) feet to
ihe point of beginning all the
bearings being astronomic and
the selection contains a calcu
lated area of one hundred
thousand (100,000) acres.