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422                       INDEX
               Bahrain—contd.                   Muscat, 67-8; protection for Gulf
                 14n; British government relations,   States, 38, 45, 254, 256; regular
                31 O'; assoc, membership of inter­  officers seconded to Muscat armed
                national organisations, 76, 113n;   forces, 54,205,218,238; suppression
                Arab League, 77; treaty-making   of Omani revolt, 54, 157, 244; sover­
                capacity, 102 IT; transit dues agree­  eignty over shaikhdom rights, 73-4,
                ment with Saudi Arabia, 102-3;   79; constitutional law, 80
                nationality laws, 124 f; Persian claim   British Government of India, 8
                to sovereignty, 167-95; tribute paid   British Nationality Act 1948, 122
                to Wahhabi rulers, 169, 172, 190, to   British Petroleum, 301
                Persia, 190-1; assertion of indepen­  British Protected States, 78; forces in,
                dence, 182-4,194; population census   ‘97, 117; withdrawal of forces, 7;
                1965, 195; Turkish interest in, 219;   position before British courts, 145-8,
                Zubarah dispute, 247-9; offshore   before foreign courts, 148-9
                areas and boundary, 262,278,302-3,   British protectorates, 41, 80 ff
                  370-1; concessionary areas, 300;  British Protectorates, Protected States
                —Treaties:                      and Protected Persons Order in
                Draft Treaty of Friendship (Britain)   Council 1949, 82, 122-3
                  1816,31                     Brown, D. J. L., 88
                Treaty of Peace 1820, 31, 194   Brown, E. H., 297
                Agreement concerning suppression   Bruce, Captain William, 31, 168, 186 f;
                  of slave trade 1856, 31       Bruce Agreement, 186-7
                Friendly Convention 1861, 4, 31 ff   Bullard, Sir Reader, 203 ff
                Agreements with Britain 1880 and   Buraimi: sovereignty dispute, 196-238;
                  1892, 34-5, 74, 365-6         boundary lines (map), 197; oasis and
                Subsidiary agreements with Britain   villages, 200 f, 202 f, 208; Arbitra­
                  1898-1914, 35                 tion Agreement on boundaries 1954,
                Offshore Boundary Agreement with   203 f, 208; occupied by Trucial
                  Saudi Arabia 1958,104-6,306-11,  Oman Levies (Scouts), 206,218,238;
                  371-4                         Wahhabi control, 208, 220-1; Saudi
               Bahrain Petroleum Company (Bapco),   tax collection, 201,207, 217-18,226;
                300, 308                        Omani occupation, 212; ‘annexa­
               Bani ’Utbah settlement at Qatar, 3, 36   tion’ by Abu Dhabi, 213, 222; con­
               Bani Yas tribe, 201, 208, 215, 261   trol by Muscat, 214—15, by Abu
               Bani Yas island, 306             Dhabi, 215-17, by Saudi Arabia,
               Basrah, Wilayat of, 252, 254 f   217-18; historical title to, 220-6
               Baty, T., 61                   Bushire Residency, 5, 9
               Belgium, 183
               Belgrave, Sir Charles, 12n, 249   cable landing rights, Qatar, 38
               Benenson, P., 246              Cadogan, Sir Alexander, 94
               Blue line (Saudi Arabian boundary),   Canning, Lord, 49
                 199,201,207, 219 f, 227, 228n, 230n,   Cavar6, L., 64
                232, 237                      Chamberlain, Sir Austen, 7In, 176,
               Borchard, E. M., 136             179 f, 187, 190 f
               boundaries, land: controversies, 216—   Clarendon, Lord, 174 f, 186 ff
                277; eastern Saudi Arabia, 196 ff,   Clarendon Note, 176, 187 f
                207, 219; Iraq-Kuwait, 256 f, 261;   coalfield in Oman, 48, 69, 240
                interim settlement (‘neutral zone’),   Codrai, R. A., 215
                264-6; neutral zone partition, 274   ‘colonial clause’, 106-7
               boundaries, submarine, 274, 278-311   colonial protectorates, 80
               Brierly, J., 86, 184           Compagnie fran$aise de Pctroles, 301
               Britain: influence in Arabian Gulf, 5-6,   concession agreements in disputed
                9; courts in Gulf States, 14—15, 17,   boundary areas, 290-1, 300-2
                 19; international representation of   condominium arrangement, Kuwait-
                Trucial Shaikhdoms, 30, 74, of  Saudi Arabia, 266, 272, 275
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