Page 493 - The Arabian Gulf States_Neat
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INDEX                       423
           Conference on Law of the Sea I960,   Bahrain, 74 -5; Kuwail-Saudi Arabia,
            238n                          270-1
           consuls, reciprocal appointing rights,
            52, 55, 57                   Faisal I, of Iraq, 254
           Continental Oil Company, 300 f; of   Faisal ibn Turki, Amir, 172, 210
            Dubai, 303                   ‘Falat Gharrch’, 280
           continental shelf, 278n, 279-80, 285,   Fars, 168, 170 f, 186-7
            286 fT                       Farsi, 295, 310                         ;
           contractual obligations, violation,   Fasht Abu Sa’fah, 308 f         i
             135 ff                      Fasht-al-Jarim, 300
           Cox, Sir Percy, 216, 256, 265   Fawcett, J. E. S., 90, 106
           Crimean War, 117              Fenwick, C. G., 64
           Currie, P., 41                Fez, Treaty of, 1912, 66, 84
           Curzon, Lord, 6, 33n, 48      Fitzmauricc, Sir Gerald, 65
                                         fishing rights, 280
           Dammam Conference 1952, 198, 201   Ford, Sir C., 41
           Danzig, 85                    fortifications, construction of, 28 f
           Dean, A. H., 283              France, 157; activities in Muscat, 48;
           Dc Muralt, R. W. G., 229       treaty with Muscat, 50, 51-2; extra­
           dc Ribbing, Herbert, 159 f, 206-7   territorial jurisdiction in Muscat, 55;
           Dc Visschcr, Charles, 203      and international responsibility,
           Dhawahir tribe, 208, 211, 215   131
           Dicey, A. V., on jurisdictional im­  Fraser, Lovat, 214
            munity, 146-7                Fuad Bey Hamzah, 198, 230n, 231
           Dihgo, Dr Ernesto, 204        Fuad’s line (Saudi Arabian boundary),
           domestic jurisdiction principle, 157,   198 f, 201
             159                         Fujairah, 5, 78n
           Dubai: administration, 16-17; Boat
            incident, 30; boundary disputes, 264;   General Agreement of TarifTand Trade
            offshore boundaries and concessions,   (GATT), 110
            301, 303; undertaking regarding oil,  General Treaty of Peace 1820, 5 f, 26-
            369                            29,31
                                         Geneva Arbitration on Saudi Arabian      :
           Eagleton, C., 129               boundaries 1955, 203 f, 231-2, 237
           East India Company: expedition   Geneva Convention on Territorial Sea   . ■
            against Shaikhdoms, 5; Residency at   1958, 282 f; application to Gulf
            Bushirc, 5; General Treaty of Peace,   States, 286 90, 298, 307,310   i
             1820, 5 f, 26; treaties with Gulf   Geneva Conventions 1949 and 1956,   : •
            States, 8; agreement with Sultan ibn   111, 121-2                     !
            Saqr, 25; and Persian claim to   Goult, Charles, 304                  H
            Bahrain, 171                 Greece, 183
           Ecclcs, Capt. G. J., 214, 217   Green, L. C., 285
           Egypt, 65, 94                 Grey, Sir Edward, 218
           Elphinstone, Mountstuart, 168   Grotius, 186
           equidistance, principle of, 288, 307   Gulf States: as British Protected States,
           Ethiopia: treaties with Britain, 87 f   82; treaty making capacity, 98-112;
           Exclusive Agreement Britain-Trucial   and international organisations, 106—
            Shaikhdoms, 1892, 5, 29        114; nationals and diplomatic pro­
           exhaustion of local remedies, 137   tection, 126-8, 140; nationals and
           extra-territorial jurisdiction, British, in   claims, 141-2; and international
            Gulf States, 10, 15, 17, 22; in Bah­  responsibility, 131-6; and juris­
            rain, 33; in Kuwait, 22; in Muscat,   dictional immunity before British
            52-3, 55 f                    courts, 145-8; eligibility for U.N.
           extra-territorial seas, 280     membership, 151-6, 161 4; disputes
           extradition of criminals, Turkey-  with Britain, 156 61
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